On some maybe John, but not on others as it just isn't possible, so your truth is only a half truth.I could name several ramps where there is no chance whatever of a cop watching the lights, as they would have to be behind you and there is nowhere for them to hide or even be visible.
Apr 1, 1:33am
Its not so much about watching the traffic and seeing if they stop on the red etc, if the light signals are on and cars are going constant its obvious they are not obeying the signals. Occasionally I have seen them radio'n cops further down the on ramp to nab people. Yes on some its not possible, but if your doing something you should not be doing there is always that chance you can be nabbed or even members of the public nabbing you.
Apr 1, 5:27am
have you ever dobbed another driver in john! like, say, you know, some guy who might have out accellerated you at a set of lights somewhere! or changed lanes in front of you a little bit close! be honest now!
Apr 1, 5:32am
out accelerated me how is that an offense who takes off first! and Yes I have only for drivers that pose a serious risk to public safety as a moral citizen. I've pulled drunks out of cars, taken there keys off them before, but I guess that is a no no to you. Simple if others safety is at risk in any way shape or form its a obligation to let authorities know. I guess you have never lost anyone personally from morons out on the road. You just never knows who life you could say, don't take the risk.
Apr 1, 1:45pm
why doesn't your answer surprise me. Johnf vigilante #456
Apr 1, 3:50pm
So if you witness a potential drunk staggering out to his pissed as a skunk you would not do anything, what a sad person you are. The life you save could even by anyone you know. I don't see what the problem with dopping in drivers that are a risk to public safety. Whats others views on this, would you also ignore drunks staggering out to there cars!
If you do nothing they will just get away with it and do it time and time again, but good to hear you wouldn't care about drivers that put others safety at risk.
Apr 1, 4:33pm
Lights are uesless.I put it to whoever think they work that they are noticing better flow on the motorways are correct, it's however nothing to do with those lights.It's down to the recession and the price of gas.Less peoople driving as less are working.PS.I go straight through those lights when I'm on the bike.I'm not stopping for a split second for them.Time someone took a slug gun to them in my opinion.
Apr 1, 4:48pm
Geez I'm gone 24hrs and john wreaks havoc.
The "boy racer" act is an amendment act, the link I already posted is the relevant bit of the main act that was amended. There is no mysterious separate act that allows you to be done for excessive acceleration. As you'll see (if you read the link) the acceleration can not be deemed excessive if you do not break the speed limit.
Yes there is a separate piece of legislation that says you must not operate a vehicle in a manner likely to cause annoyance or nuisance or whatever it is.but good luck to the cop who tries that on for accelerating up to speed to enter a motorway. Cop is more likely to get it for wasting court time.
Apr 1, 4:54pm
Yes part 2 is what I am getting at, really case by case dependent. But I have seen people often booked after merging on my part of town.
Apr 1, 9:43pm
For a dangerous merge maybe, but not for stomping on it from the lights.
Apr 1, 10:02pm
those bloody lights cause major hold up and congestion. they may allow the motorway to flow a bit steadier but the block up the roads that lead to the motorway. Take Mangere Bridge township for example. the main street is a carpark for about a hour and a half in the afternoon when the lights are activated. and when you finally get to the motorway and see there is bugger all traffic, it pisses me off. it was never that bad before the lights were installed.
Apr 1, 10:08pm
No you weren't there how would you know, probably just a polite warning. If you were not there you can't make a comment, I personally have seen people pulled for it. They didn't just put them in for the sake of you can decide if you obey it or not.
Apr 1, 10:16pm
I'm talking about excessive acceleration from the lights, not failing to stop for them. You've switched topics.
Apr 1, 10:20pm
Read your own post 66
Apr 1, 10:26pm
Apr 1, 10:51pm
Yes I agree, that cause more of a jam upo than they do helping make everything run right. The Waterview on ramp is a line back to Titirangi in the mornings.so I don';t go anywhere before 10 a.m.Transports managers.what abunch of dorks. Consequently I jsut go straight thtrough.bugger the red light.
Apr 2, 12:48am
Never stop for the fkn things
Apr 2, 4:25am
I love the motorway signs urging you to merge like a zipper. Except all the teeth on the motorway are different sizes. lol
Sep 20, 7:14pm
LOL!And for those with Engrish as their second language, wouldn't understand anyway.
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