Commodore "Check Power Train" Warning

lynne1961, Mar 30, 4:16pm
Can someone help!Keep getting this warning despite having a full service top to toe.Been on scanner, all checked out ok, codes reset etc.Pick car up and within 10kms the warning comes up again.Car is running perfectly.This is costing me $$ to get sorted and I am just a girl!Can someone offer some advise!VX 2006 by the way.Thanks!

johnf_456, Mar 30, 4:25pm
I doubt the full service consisted of a gearbox drain and flush. Take it back to who fixed it!

franc123, Mar 30, 6:24pm
If codes had to be reset clearly all was not OK, it needs to go back on the scan tool again to see what code has been brought back up, and the problem diagnosed properly.Deleting codes does not fix anything.As for costing $, weelcome to the world of the modern car.A transmission needing an oil change would not bring up a fault code lol.

lynne1961, Mar 30, 6:30pm
Thank you for your advise.I am taking it back tomorrow so will get them to properly analysis the codes.

phillip.weston, Mar 30, 8:49pm
A 2006 VX! Huh! Not the last of the VZ or the start of the VE!

lynne1961, Mar 30, 9:07pm
Um, I will have to read my rego sticker, its an executive Auto Wagon 2006 so may have the "V!" bit wrong.

lynne1961, Mar 30, 9:09pm
I will def take it to Holden if usual guy can't fix tomorrow - and I will get a refund for him scanning it and not fixing it.Thanks so much for the answers guys.

phillip.weston, Mar 30, 9:11pm
Will be a VZ. VX were last made in 2000/2001.

berg, Mar 30, 9:27pm
Same problem with one of the work Crewmans.
Took Holden about 3 sensors, 2 cat converters, a wiring harness and they still havent traced the problem yet. It flicks up every now and then and has done for the past two years

nz2293, Mar 31, 1:20am
oxy sensor and a vacum hose

boss_hogg, Mar 31, 1:32am
so thats all i need tosee what the faults are!

intrade, Mar 31, 1:46am
well and a laptop and some skills on installing and using the scanner software.
but yea should be it GM where the fisrts to have obd since 1996
similar to this!v=DNUaSp1bRnc

redslapper, Mar 31, 2:06am
mines a 2002 vx, series 2 though

intrade, Mar 31, 2:16am
you myght have to buy the Gm enhanced software to find tricky the free one might not cut it.

donz01, Mar 31, 3:14am
My VS had similar problem about a year ago. Holden workshop could not find fault so went to a mates transmission shop. His scanner bought up faultly throttle position sender so of to my auto sparkie mate to check it. He noticed the air intake tube sucked right in on itself at the bend before the throttle body. Totally restricting air flow. Fault was a totally blocked High flow air filter to a point where compressed air would not pass through it. I replaced the filter and no more fault coming up on the dash.

directorylist, Mar 31, 3:40am
you can pick up quite cheap ones off I have a bluetooth one, works really well.

Prices are in USD, but they include free shipping worldwide.

carmedic, Mar 31, 3:48am

lynne1961, Mar 31, 4:04pm
My car is back in the workshop today, so I will update you when I know anymore.Sounds like a common problem.

intrade, Mar 31, 4:11pm
check engine light means its got a stored fault , i would not pay anything if they dont find a fault. scantool addon will find these faults be about 600$ for a codereader and the special software for GM you can expect a Gm dealer to be able to get these codes when you can.
ScanXL GM Enhanced Diagnostics Add-on
Engine Parameters
2100 parameters

ezekiel67, Mar 31, 8:28pm
On our VZ it turned out to be the oxy sensor - common fault apparently. It was picked up when hooked up to their diagnostic scanner however.

lynne1961, Mar 31, 9:42pm
Got the call from repair shop, they got in an independant diagnostic guy and have detected it to be a faulty Left Front Sensor on Exhaust.Not an urgent repair but will be around $500 to replace it.Just what I need at the moment.

bigfatmat1, Mar 31, 11:21pm
its not drive train its power train.

lugee, Sep 17, 12:01pm
This. Power Train is the entire mechanics of the car, engine and transmission(s).