1996 Nissan Terrano Door Buzzer

cjg97, Mar 23, 2:19am
Would Anyone Have An Idea Of How To Disconnect A Door Buzzer Or Stop It Belping Constantly! Help Is Muchly Apperciated.

lookoutas, Mar 23, 2:20am
Take the key out.

johnf_456, Mar 23, 2:33am
or turn the lights off

cypherboy, Mar 23, 2:44am
There should be a little white box a little smaller than a pack of cigarettes mounted to dash frame around steering column area will have a circular shaped hole in it where the little beeper is, unplug it and all your worries disappear :)

bigbadshoe, Mar 23, 2:49am
bad man

johnf_456, Mar 23, 2:57am
The joke has out worn itself.

mr40cal, Mar 23, 3:06am
couldn't have said it better myself

johnf_456, Mar 23, 3:09am
I'm convinced you 2 are the same person.

mr40cal, Mar 23, 3:28am
oh well off you go an nark
what can you not believe that more than one person in this world thinks your laughable!

bigbadshoe, Aug 19, 7:04am