You will have to give more details about what you are looking to swap with, if you want to swap for a similar vehicle with a diesel engine expect to have to put some cash into it.The MB will also be able to come up with some suggestions if we know what you are going to be towing, how heavy it is and how often you want to do it if you are short of ideas.If its something really heavy like a large horse float for instance then there isn't going to be any escaping really from getting a largish vehicle.
Oct 31, 9:33pm
I doubt you'll save any money with a smaller petrol or diesel 4wd (especially if you aren't doing many kms).
Nov 1, 2:08am
How about you get rid of the horse float, and use all that spare cash to run your car.being a student an' all.
Nov 1, 2:25am
Keep it. you won't find a cheaper vehicle to tow a horse float. An old diesel on a small budget could be a time bomb, and they aren't that much cheaper anyway.
Being able to tow big heavy trailers and economy don't mix. If it really is an issue to a poor student, buy a small car, and borrow daddy's Rangie to tow the nag mobile. Or it may be time to make 'lifestyle changes'
Jan 21, 10:49am
Already sick of the ol' terrrano ae
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