Sold as trade is not the point. Method of sale is. If an auction which you bid and win then no comeback at all. Most dealers would state this in the auction. If you buy using buy now or at a price negotiated between you and the dealer then the CGA applies. The dealer can not contract out of the CGA unless you are using the vehicle for business purposes and you sign this clause on the VOSA.
Jan 29, 4:09pm
it's on here but the yard is an hours drive away.
I think I'll drive to the yard, then I think at least it'll be a cat D
Jan 29, 4:11pm
What does that mean!
Jan 29, 4:12pm
Cat ABC & D are history years ago. Re read my post above. Consumer Gaurantees Act, Fair Trading Act took over. Now no written time limit and vehicle must be "fit for purpose".
Jan 29, 4:13pm
Remember the old warrenty categories A, B , C etc based on age and/or distance!
Jan 29, 4:15pm
Sweet it's been a few years since I stepped foot in a car yard or bought a vehicle but I have teenagers learning to drive and need something for them to drive about in and learn.
Jan 29, 4:15pm
No, probably not old enough
I only asked because Cat D means a potentially repairable insurance writeoff in the UK
Jan 29, 4:23pm
exwesty-is the car for sale on a yard retail or is it sold by auction! If it is sold by auctiondo they offer a buy now! If sold retailthen you have full cover underCGA SOGA etc If sold by auction with a Buy Now then again you have cover under the CGA etc-BUT I would make sure that the seller is actually aware of this -often they aren'twhich means you may win a moral victory takeing them to the DT but often it isn't a financial gain/redress by the time you take costs into account. If sold by auction clearly stating as is where is and with no buy now then you only have 3 protections -The vehicle musn't have money owing,The vehicle cant be stolen. The seller cannot have committed fraud in the description. -Ie must have described the vehicle honestly to the best of their knowledge. -The emphasis being on-TO THE BEST OF THEIR KNOWLEDGE.
Jan 29, 4:36pm
It's on here as a classified, so not as an auction.
Also on the yard.
Jan 29, 5:03pm
Age price and mileage of the vehicle all are concidred in the CGA. For example if you buy a 20 year old car done 350000km for $700 and it blows up 2 weeks later it could be concidered a fair and reasonable period of time for it to last.
Nov 17, 8:06am
So then you have full cover under the CGA
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