Hello im after any advice on painting a vehical, just wanting to know if it is a massive undertaking like people say or is it possible for any joe blog to do it! Looking to paint my Dduble cab hilux purely for resale value if i ever did sell it and keep it in good nick, only if painting it isnt that hard. I would only do a respray of the same colour and i live on a farm so have plenty of sheds and equipment to do it properly! Any knowledge on the whole spraying prosess would be greatly appreciated!
Feb 7, 1:27pm
There is a difference between spraying a vehicle properly and professionally. Obviously a high quality factory finish is difficult to achieve in an aftermarket situation. How dust free will you be able to keep your painting environment compared to a town industrial spray location with asphalt surrounds ! How experienced are you at handling automotive paints ! The surface prep and masking off the windows and trim is another area where experience counts before even considering the quality of painting equipment.
Feb 7, 1:29pm
If you haven't done it before, you are unlikely to increase sale value.
Feb 7, 1:43pm
This would be my first time painting and only have garages to paint in so dust would be a problem i imagine, it is a hilux after all so im not worried about its appearence and may just leave it as is for now. Thinking ill look into it but i think as you say experience is what counts and i havent got a lot of that when it comes to painting. Cheers for the input though.
Feb 7, 3:41pm
It comes down to how old it is and what colour, anything post 80s that isn't beige or white will probably lose more value than it would gain.
Feb 7, 5:17pm
Preferred the first photo attitude.
Feb 7, 5:29pm
Maybe so Attitude but there are some rudimentary skills required nonetheless.
Feb 7, 5:49pm
There are panel beaters + painters . & then there are the gifted panel beaters + painters A brother of mine used to paint cars with an old vacuum cleaner & the proper vacuum cleaner sprayer in his std domestic budget carshed Got so good at it that the pro shops couldn't tel the difference & insisted he had done it in a spray booth with the proper gear. yea it was enamel paint but still a blimin good job.
Good gear does not make a good job if you don't know how to use it & $$$$ on gear means NOTHING if you don't have the talent for the job
Feb 8, 1:54am
If you have a crack at it yerself. TAKE SHIT OFF, don't mask it up. Sometimes quicker to remove things than tape around it. And. it looks like you actually tried if you remove stuff. I've painted loads of cars in my 6x7.2 garage. with no problems. Have a photographic record if you wanna look.
Feb 8, 9:52am
not sure if you should attempt it, if you get a half way decent job you'll have family dropping off their cars for a touchup or full paint on every weekend for the rest of your life, your fishing days will be over
but yeah, give it a go, , most 'sheds' will have a spraygun gathering dust on a ledge, get plenty of thinners and remember, 3 thin coats is better than 2 thick coats also remember, the most common difficulties for first timers is learning to back off, - distance and paint - keep your distance from the panels or you'll end up with stripes, or a whole heap of runs
very satisfying to know you did that job, and it didn't turn out too bad at all is the hilux a flatdeck or a wellside, remove the deck if it is a flatdeck
Feb 8, 1:51pm
Its a wellside, Its fairly straight but got a bit of panel damage on the wellside, could be pushed out fairly easy though. Ive seen my mates brothers car which he did himself and he said just take your time and make sure the body is dead straight but his looks really good. Does anyone know of a good book about auto spraying! Or am i better off just practising on an old vehicle i have and getting experience!
Feb 8, 1:55pm
Books are ok mate, but youtube is better. With a book you can't see the practical stuff like panel to gun distance.
Feb 8, 5:36pm
distance gun to panel is very critical, watch a vid or two, then a practice panel , come back with any issues for advice
'maps of India' (runs), uneven coat (stripes), 'orange peel' ( dimpled finish), there are plenty of guys here will offer fixes and practical assistance
Feb 8, 6:37pm
They are not runs, they're the painters signature lol.
Feb 9, 12:10am
Heres what happens. You spend time prepping your ute then get all the correct gear to do it. You go out on the day and get stuck in.You will step back and be quite stunned at how well it has come up for a first attempt. Then, because you done such a good job you decide to do something else "because the first one was easy". You do a good car and everything that can go wrong does go wrong and you have a complet and utter F up. Your left sratching your head and it ends up costing a fortune to fix. So what went wong you ask, Nothing, it was beginners luck lol. OR you completly screw up the first one and never do it agian. But if you have a steady hand and good rhythm and can follow simple instructions then go for it. And Ive seen some stunning paint work done in sheds, the bigger the better tho.
Feb 9, 3:52am
But. at least he had a go! Can't get good without trying!
Feb 9, 3:23pm
Last week I had what looked like a Tsunami hitting a map of India. rofl.
Feb 9, 3:25pm
A nice set of curtains can set off a paint job sometimes.
Feb 9, 4:47pm
Back in the late '80s early '90s when pastel colours and tacky custom paint jobs were all the rage we used to pinstripe our runs lol.
You would not beleive the amount of good comments we used to get from people who thought they were purposely done 'graphics' LOL.
Feb 9, 8:27pm
Dont wasteyour moneypaintthinnerspaperetc will cost$300 +& if you screwit upits $ wasted . Just do the prep work & let a pro actuall spray it .Even mate whos an ex pabnelbeater wont do full respraysonlypatch ups.
Feb 10, 3:15am
ok--have been doing touch-ups,re-sprays for 30 plus years,but still have some probs with roof and bonnet--sides come out great,but spraying down seems not to have the same gloss. What am I doing wrong--gun too far away!--keep it within 20-25cms from surface tho And no, don''t spray in an arc--keep it parallel.
Feb 10, 3:20am
Sometimes you can change the fan pattern on the roof a little which helps, also depends on your gun, your tips, air pressure, suction or gravity fed. With a roof and stuff I find you can settle a lot of paint on it and it doesn't dribble as easy as a side so you can go all out with your application rate then pull back for the sides. Metallics are just a whole nother story.
I dunno depends really. My methods turn out alright for the most part.
Feb 10, 4:06am
You're probably not loading enough paint onto the horizontal surfaces, slow your strokes a bit and overlap them a little more. Your own overspray will create orange peel on the other side of a large panel because it's beginning to dry while you're spraying, getting a bit of a puddle effect happening will enable it to flow into the surface better.
Feb 10, 5:38am
Lol, better explanation of "lay tonnes more paint on"
Feb 10, 7:57am
The simplistic is the colour spectrum. and your knowledge of it. I.Espraying some metalics cancause base colour drop out. should your primer coat be colour spectrum wise be totaly difering from your overcoat then you need patience as others have stated-and more coats-as others have stated.
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