Daughter needed a WoF on her car last week but only 1 of the 3 brake lights worked. I said take it to your mechanic and get them fixed and get them to do a warrant at the same time as I was away for the long weekend and didnt have time. Son in Law just took it in to VTNZ on Saturday and drove out with a fresh warrant. The 2 brake lights still dont work. Guess I'll be fixing them this weekend. Stevo
Feb 8, 2:02am
Saddly thats not surprising
Feb 8, 2:09am
And then you get the other times where they have obviously been studying the VIRM and creating new and innovative ways to fail your car.Seems that it is a lose lose situation.Dambed if they pick up all the faults ( and even invent a few new ones) and dambed if they miss anything,
Feb 8, 2:23am
HAHA! i did that. i had one tailgate stop light not working but the "fixed"ones on the corners did.so i just disconnected the other tail gate light so they'd look even! flew through the wof no worries with two lamps out!haha
Feb 8, 2:26am
Oh and i'll never forget when they failed my car for its adjustable suspension. he said it needed to be certed.
I said.
they hadnt noticed the big turbo and intercooler i had custom fabbed to the car! priceless!
Feb 8, 2:26am
What a hero.Saved you money on what, two bulbs!
Feb 8, 2:33am
And then she could have driven outa there and been ticketed with "operating a vehicle that is not in Warantable condition". My guess is it will be wiring rather than just bulbs because the L/H and the Hi-stop have failed at similar times. Stevo
Feb 8, 2:36am
they were the T20 ones that the local didnt have.fitted two new ones on the monday.
Feb 8, 1:20pm
I have noticed lately that VTNZ have not check my seatbelt tag numbers,my lense numbers and have not checked my tail/brake lights correctly,they still dont inspect the outer sides of the chassis rails either,they dont learn. IMHO.
Feb 8, 1:34pm
they passed my car with a bald tyre a while back. I was happy. Got to fit a new one at my own leisure.
Feb 8, 2:00pm
You guys get lucky, every time I've been to them they always invent a fail or fail something lame.
Feb 8, 2:11pm
That's because you keep forgetting to slip them a tenner.
Feb 8, 2:14pm
Haha :)
Feb 8, 2:56pm
A tenner thats cheap,haha.
Feb 8, 3:15pm
haha, yeah those days have long gone by. went to a pub the other night for the first time in ages. grabbed a handle of what ever they had on tap. $12. That was a bit of a shock. Just shows how long since I been to the pub last.
Feb 8, 3:24pm
Was it called Calendar Girls or The White House!
Feb 8, 3:27pm
Yes me too. I have even had them fail a fault that wasnt as it had been part of manufacturing design but I had to get a tech letter from the Agents to satisfy them.
Feb 8, 6:00pm
Better still all 4 of my tires have more tread on them than when i had my last wof 8 months ago and 7000kms later, one even grew from 3mm to 6.2mm!
Feb 8, 6:38pm
nah it had some weird name like femme fatale
Feb 8, 10:41pm
Why would you need to check lens numbers and seat belt tags on an in service vehicle !.I might be missing something here.
Feb 8, 10:59pm
They should always be checked in case someone has replace a part with a non compliant part. Or for instance an accident damaged seat belt.
Feb 9, 1:00am
So what about the likes of tyres and brake pads,they must also be included in what you are saying modie61.
Feb 9, 2:17am
Tyres and brake pads should be inspected where possible,remembering that it is only a visual inspection that is required.
Feb 9, 2:17am
But was the adjustable suspension included on the cert plate!
Feb 9, 2:35am
The WOF process is not intended as a competition to see what you can sneak past the inspector is it!
Thought the idea was to make sure your vehicle was safe to share the road with others.
Obviously my mistake.
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