Dont get angry,the tags on my seat belts and all of our cars are clearly visible ,so are the light numbers. Calm down,take a pill.
Feb 11, 12:32pm
I dont think anyone is getting angry with you,the opposite I think,when you are saying people are wrong for not looking at certain items,ie,certain numbers,which at an in service check,is not a requirement.The only `numbers` that Im aware of that need to be checked,are glazing markings.Correct me if Im wrong,I have a reveiw coming up in a few weeks.
Feb 11, 4:18pm
Oh good luck with your review,i heard that they are looking for E markings to be checked on lenses especially reflectors and rust holes in full chassis vehicles in particular r/rear outer,hard to inspect from benneth when in a pit,thats all i can help you with at the moment. Dont forget if you have casual or temp inspectors to get them signed off etc
Feb 11, 4:21pm
One of the local WOF places failed my morry because they couldnt be bothered finding the safety etching on the front windscreen. Two things, firstly you should look for it, it is there and secondly even if it didnt have a marking how the hell am I going to put a big curve in some coffee table glass!
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