Yea thats what i thought Steve,that it was a safety inspection. But it doesnt work when they dont inspect properly.
Feb 9, 2:39am
We forgive you.
Feb 9, 2:41am
Seems that plenty aren't happy when they do the inspection properly either.
Feb 9, 2:43am
Oh yea thats when they all light up and get on here and bleat. Its hard to get consistency with WOF inspections i reckon.
Feb 9, 2:45am
my friend went to vtnz and passed a warrant with no freakin headlights, what the heck
Feb 9, 3:46am
WAT, why would you even drive a car with no headlights!
I decree that most NZers are in fact cartarded, true fact.
Feb 9, 3:53am
coz it was daylight silly.
Feb 9, 4:05am
The second to last WOF I had was failed by VTNZ because the steering "vibrates at low RPM" something I never noticed and the guy who failed me had to get 2 other guys to check it, while I was watching out the window. I took it elsewhere and it passed with no problems. Since then I had a new WOF done elsewhere, they accidentally put a July 2013 sticker on it, woohoo, WOFed for 1 1/2 years. (Not really, I'll be getting its next WOF this year)
Feb 9, 4:13am
Scary, I just bought new car, well new for me from dealer. pointed out wof was due, he said sure I get wof, next minute new brake pads. and alls fine. On the way home no speedo, now my mechanic will do wof, I will check results in the morning and keep posted .
Feb 9, 4:45am
My missus took her car down to the local VTNZ for a warrant last time, they failed it on the tail lights blinking wiht the indicators (bad earth easy fix) and excessive play in the right rear torsion arm. I got under it couldnt find any play in it, so took it to a mate who's an ex-mechanic he couldnt find anything. Rang them and said, its been failed for this torsion bar, i cant find anything wrong with it can i get some more details about it. The lady behind the counter said bring it back we'll run it through again and see if it passes. I took it back, got them to run a check on it again, it passed. I asked what was wrong with the torsion bar, they said we couldnt find anything.I said cheers for wasting my weekend :)
Feb 9, 4:36pm
hmm they seem to make up problems with my car. must be the slightly bigger exhaust i have fitted.
Feb 9, 10:54pm
But if they are not compliant,refering back to what you have said about lights and seat belts,what should an inspector do.There are plenty of non `compliant` parts fitted to vehicles everyday.
Feb 9, 11:41pm
You'd be one of the tossers that rips around my place at 2am pissing everyone in the area off then would you!
They say a blokes exhaust pipe diameter is inversly proportional to the diameter of something he carries.
Feb 9, 11:42pm
here certainly are. Ever tried to make an insurance claim for a prang when the vehicle has non-compliant parts fitted!
Feb 10, 12:50am
lol overreaction much
Feb 10, 1:30am
I guess it depends on which parts are in question. But using damaged seatbelts from a previously written off damaged car with airbags deployed is what shouldnt be allowed and seat belt tags etc should be inspected.
Feb 10, 5:37am
I always find that small local garages seem to do the most detailed checks, and if anything fails, I am yet to get a reason that comes across as bogus. bugger the vtnz, they sound frightningly hopeless
Feb 10, 3:56pm
Having had up to 5 road vehicles current at a time, including a motorbike and either one or two classics, overall, I can't really complain about VTNZ.I no longer spend hours every weekend under the cars and anything they have found has been genuine. Although one young dingbat a few years ago 'thought' that the (standard) rear wheels protruded from the bodywork and wanted spats fitted. Took it back the following week for the retest and the regular tester just couldn't believe it.Took them off straight after.
I have always found them helpful with items such as headlamp adjustments and slightly dodgy hand-brakes after a winter lay off "just take it round the block and use the handbrake a few times".Back again and passed OK.
What I do grizzle about is that the price seems to have rocketed and they are now slower as they have fewer staff these days (stiff competition locally) so there are times when cars are not being worked on, waiting for the single pit checker, covering two lanes.
Feb 10, 5:43pm
Cant find anything in the in service virm that says seatbelt tags,light identifiers etc need to be checked,imagine someone scratching around a dirty old number plate light looking for numbers,and a seat belt tag in no way indicates its condition unless maybe ripstitching type belt.
Feb 10, 7:44pm
You know more than me then sandy.
Feb 10, 8:01pm
Seat belt tag and light lense id numbers are what i have seen NZTA fail an inspector on,when doing his audit.
Feb 10, 8:06pm
Do you work for a garage or VTNZ Sandy !
Feb 10, 8:26pm
only time im up at 2am is when im on night shift, and no i havent been to nelson for a long time so no it wasn't me. but geez i wish i was perfect like you
Feb 10, 8:27pm
Had my old xe failed for no seat belt tags years ago
Feb 10, 9:59pm
modie61how are you suppose to check seatbelt tags on everycar! have you not seen how a seat belt is fitted to everycar, with seats and panels covering mounting points and tags and did you not know some cars never had standards markings on there lights but still comply! guess your not really up par with wof regulations are you.
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