How many years has this and other similer types of rides been going! And now they are looking to crack down on speeding riders. Should'nt they be doing that anyway regardless of what event may be on. And ONE motorcyclist was killed on one such run. So what, they get killed not on runs/ rides as well. Well I supose at least they have been warned if nothing else.
Feb 24, 7:15pm
Typical. I wondered if would have been here already. Missed the post lol. Oh well Ill read that one.
OH, and its general so no wonder I didnt see it.
Feb 24, 9:17pm
If your on a bike and enjoying yourself.your just asking for it.R's holes Cheapest mode of transport,low fuel consumption,no road wear & tear.christ! it should be made mandatory that people ride a motorcycle if they are the soul traveler.
Feb 25, 2:02am
it should be made mandatory that people ride a motorcycle if they are the soul traveler.[/quote]
Maybe it's the ones that crash and actually become "soul travellers" that they are worried about.
Feb 25, 2:32am
if they were serious re carbon, petrol use etc,then why aren't they getting tough on sole drivers, what incentives do they give for car pooling, what incentives for public transport even as an exercise how many km per lt does your bike do, why aren't there more using bikes
Feb 25, 5:08am
There were reports of riders having a good time, you can't have that
Feb 25, 6:16am
nah. we cane all see straight thru a lie. its all about wof, rego, licence checks. theres a shit load of Harley riders with no bike licence. cash in time $$$ on infringments.
Feb 25, 6:20am
i know this for a fact. the trick now for Harley riders is to let the legal wof rego bikes with full motorbike licence ride at the back. Cop will come up behind thinking of big payday$$ fines, Licence rider will see him, slow down and let others get way ahead out of site. cop will stop back rider while unlegal bikes are long gone. Cop will try get back rider to follow him to catch up to other riders too try get them all at once. back rider wont give a shit and will pull over straight away and stop [without following cop.
Cop will try the heavy macho why didnt you follow me to catch up with others. rider will say, you had red&blue lights on so i stopped as per NZ Law. Cop knows he cant do anything about except try do him for no wof rego no licence [which back rider always has up to date] -easy peasy
Feb 26, 1:22am
Any I idea on how many riders!
Feb 26, 2:00am
I know this for a fact. I have never had a cop come up behind me when I'm on a ride. I also only ride with licenced riders on legal bikes. O that's right, I don't ride a HD.
Maybe you could write some childrens story books. Sounds like you live in fantasy land to me.
Feb 27, 3:40pm
120 riders registered, 9 pulled out prior to the start, 2 pulled out after accidentally putting diesel in their tanks at Twizel, 1 pulled out of his planned Bronze attempt and just did the basic after his rear brake pads gave out and had to be replaced.
There were no accidents of any type, and only one ticket that I know of.That was for a blown tail light bulb at Murchison at 4:00 am.
Feb 27, 4:04pm
Come on guys you know the rules here, keep away from the facts at all times, let the media guide us.
Feb 27, 4:11pm
Never had the plod pull me over from the tail for a wof/rego check, only for speeding infringements.pull over checks have always been from a stationary check point or just Mr Plod on his lonesome.and that's been in a group from 5 to14 bikes at times.and of course ride'n the dreaded HD's.
Feb 27, 5:59pm
A blown tail light bulb at 4am in the middle of nowhere and not a bulb shop in sight, was that the best that they could do !
Plenty bikes travelling north thru here yesterday, many of which looked like the types ofbikes and riders that would have participated in the TT2000 and they all looked to be still doing fine to me.
Just about time that they set their sights on the incompetents and inconsiderate??
Feb 27, 6:40pm
You know it is and it'll be reported as a 'defective motorvehicle' and the simple minded fools will lap it up without any idea of the inconseqential nature of the 'defect'.
Feb 27, 6:41pm
All you did was prove your experience has no relevance to his post.
Feb 27, 9:44pm
Roadpolice chief will not be pleased at low number of tickets issued especially as they were putting all available cops onto it .Severereprimands all round-must do better
Feb 27, 10:14pm
Years ago they would have pulled you over to tell you of the dud bulb and left it at that.
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