Can a police man charge you with dangerous driving
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Apr 9, 2:39am
On my own property!
Apr 9, 2:41am
I don't think so, if you injure someone all bets are off though.
Apr 9, 2:43am
No one injured
Apr 9, 2:47am
Shouldnt be able too as its private property, but they can arrest you for attempted assualt on your own property so why not dangerous driving!
Apr 9, 2:52am
I get a funny feeling that yes they can if the property can be accessed by the public (authorised or otherwise) - I hope someone can correct me if I am wrong :) Private property doesn't really mean a whole lot anymore these days
Apr 9, 2:53am
My driveway
Apr 9, 2:56am
Probably best explain what you were doing to draw there attention.
Apr 9, 2:56am
yes as far as I'm aware you are right, it would be interesting to see the actual legislation on this one.
Apr 9, 2:56am
Yes. A road is a place to which the public have access whether as of right or not.
Apr 9, 2:56am
masav, tell the whole story, not every one here checks all the topics
and no, you will not be charged for driving a few meters up your drive with the kids sitting on your trailer - as long as it was wholly on your property, ie you did not have the kids on the trailer by the kerb and then drive up the drive
every cockie in the country would beup on charges if they could do that, and every guy out cutting firewood at the weekends too, the kids often ride the trailer between stacks - of hay or firewood
Apr 9, 2:58am
You actually gave a bit more information in your other thread in general.From what I read there I don't think you'll hear any more from the cops .
Apr 9, 2:58am
of course they can, and if you don't like it, you'll have to spend a considerable amount of time and effort sorting it out. I am a law abidding citizen for the whole, but can also see how the police do whatever they want and you have a hell of a time trying to do anything about it
Apr 9, 2:58am
It was only in my drive
Apr 9, 2:59am
Well anyone can access your private property. If your dog bit someone in your property your poor dog gets put down regardless. Private property is pretty loose term nowdays. Ur driveway even worse. Just parking wardens cant fine you for parking on your driveway or private road with no wof or reg.
which part of those 73 pages and links contained is actually pertinent to this OP's plight trh
Apr 9, 3:04am
Looking at the other thread - I think they *can* but they probably wont bother.
Apr 9, 3:07am
So if my kids sat in an empty trailer while I drives 10 meters foward in my driveway a police man drove past and saw ,came up the drive and started yelling at me in front of the kids ect , it was a momentary laps of judgement in my case but I was only going like 1 km an hour and kids are 10 and 7 , he said he is going to talk to his superior about what they can charge me with
Quote masav (639 )7:50 pm, Mon 9 Apr #13
Apr 9, 3:08am
You need to learn how to operate your computer. There are 3 links. If you read them you'll see why they relate.
Apr 9, 3:11am
Sound like that cop has some issues at home that hes bringing to work
Apr 9, 3:11am
Why would that be careless use! more like reckless endangerment or something like that.
Apr 9, 3:12am
they are aholes for the most part, its a shame really cause there are some with commonsense amongst them
Apr 9, 3:13am
eh, sounds like officer dibble has run out of criminals to catch, guess we can all rejoice knowing that the only crimes being committed are traffic infringements, hooray
Apr 9, 3:15am
the first link starts in about liquor something or other, and thats as far as I read, there several blue links showing in just the first page
I know you will reply I know you have to be right at all times I know you have to have the last say I know annoying as you are you will be back to try to control both me and anyone on the boards
enjoy your night
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