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bellky, May 8, 12:06am
Ok then.

nightboss, May 8, 12:30am
Open bar!
Does that mean the Club President is shouting!
Good on you Bellky, I don't care what the others say, as long as you are shouting you are a decent bloke.

bellky, May 8, 12:53am
Just two drinks at the bar for me thanks, then I'm off to bed.

1ollie, May 8, 12:54am
Hahaha yeah that is funny

nightboss, May 8, 1:00am
Ignore that, it was from before I got to know him.
I now know he is a fine gentleman of the best order.

Have you seen him by the way! I have been waiting here by the bar but he seems to have forgotten it is his shout.

nightboss, May 8, 3:12am
Has anyone seen Bellky! Anyone!
I've run up quite a tab, the barman has just had a chat with the bouncer and they don't look happy.
Why won't he answer my texts!

bellky, May 8, 11:02pm
No, I just told the bar manager where to find him.

bellky, May 8, 11:29pm
Because that little joke is special to my heart Frankie and I don't want anyone and everyone sullying its sanctity.

Anyway why did you delete yours - I was enjoying it.

bellky, May 8, 11:37pm
You have much courage.

And thanks :-)

bellky, May 8, 11:41pm
Course not don't be silly. I just remember once someone chastising you for being a 'self confessed milf' is all.

(I can delete this if you want!)

And stop rolling your eyes at me!

bellky, May 8, 11:53pm
Thanks (for now) - that was hurting my feelings.

bellky, May 9, 12:01am
Yep I see it the second way you mention for some reason. Oi! You did it again. Are you just mocking me Frankie! By joves I think you are.

bellky, May 9, 12:03am
No, I'm not going to like you if you keep doing it Frankie - I'll definitely sulk real bad.

nightboss, May 9, 12:41am
Glad the bar is open again, different barman tonight so I should be safe.

dsrturbo, May 9, 4:02am
Like saying

dsrturbo, May 9, 4:09am
Pointing to the original thread post eg

nightboss, May 9, 4:55am
I think dsrturbo may be getting his bannings mixed up.

Going onto the kiddie network (facebook) and calling out "follow me" will get you banned for sure, but not from here.

Tell us dsrturbo, are you also banned from parking outside your local intermediate school!

dsrturbo, May 9, 5:09am
Dude its an example eg You sould like one of those guys that when you were a child in School and you farted. You were the first ones that put there hands up and saw. Eww someone farted. ie your kiddy statement.

Not nice is it.

nightboss, May 9, 5:27am
Dude its an example eg You sould like one of those guys that when you were a child in School and you farted. You were the first ones that put there hands up and saw. Eww someone farted. ie your kiddy statement.

Not nice is it.

dsrturbo (1819 ) 10:09 pm, Wed 9 May #92

Dude , don't call me Dude. It makes me sound like I am someone of your maturity.

Not accurate about the farting in school either, I was loud and proud, both in my farts and the laughter it brought. Don't be a tight rs, share it around.

What is not nice, your lack of humour or your IQ score!

dsrturbo, May 9, 5:37am
Dude , don't call me Dude. It makes me sound like I am someone of your maturity.

Not accurate about the farting in school either, I was loud and proud, both in my farts and the laughter it brought. Don't be a tight rs, share it around.

What is not nice, your lack of humour or your IQ score![/quote]


nightboss, May 9, 5:38am
Then I shall happily call you one.

Sounds much nicer to call you a Dood-Ess than a MILF.

Bellky won't go all jealous if we talk here will he, don't want to step on his toes.

nightboss, May 9, 5:42am
Awesome, a one word reply and it was correctly spelled.
Did someone help you!

1ollie, May 9, 6:09am
Man this thread has got 10x worse than the old scotty commodore and male timaru pointlessness crap!
And nightboss your treating dsrturbo like you should be treating perfectly-wank and beskley bubs! come on man

nightboss, May 9, 6:13am
No probs with barman/maid and the burly bouncer now that I know they are both female, you were right, they do make a good couple.

Top blokes or should that be blokesses!

Drinking my last pint now then off to my palace in the country, this last one is going down a bit slow, must be because I am drinking it through one of those cheep N&K filter thingies.

See you next time Dood-Ess.

1ollie, May 9, 6:18am
Im doing fine thank you.
I must note that you put a "l" not a "1"for "1ollie" but hey clearly from the rest of your posts english, spelling, grammer and flowing sentences are not your strong point(nor is mine but im just saying).
Thats a mighty fine photo you put up! I give you 9/10 for that