ok so it will not start. we have replaced distributer cap and leads, inhibitor switch box, rotor, tested coil, tested all electrics and have correct voltage going through, called AA mobile guy, he said its a spark problem, so tested again, spark is very low. what are we missing! its just will not start. Could it be the distance between the points in the rotor! there was some carbon on old rotor. What next, i will call in a mechanic to fix it tomorrow, but they always rip me off so need some ideas before i call them in. my neighbour has been fixing cars for years and its got him stuped too.
any suggestions please!
Mar 31, 11:41pm
AFM could be faulty. Seen it before many times.
Apr 1, 12:03am
what is the AFM!
Apr 1, 12:13am
Air Flow Meter
Apr 1, 12:14am
thanks i will tell them to check that next thanks
Apr 1, 12:28am
ok he said he checked that this morning. will call in the mechanic tomorrow
Apr 1, 4:23am
Jeez mate, very few 1993 cars had points. Anyway, once you fix the POS, get rid of it. They are thirsty, gutless, unreliable pigs that will keep costing you money.
Apr 1, 5:44am
Find the grey "daignosis box" in the left side of the engine bay and open it and connect the Te1 to the e1 terminal, turn on the ignition and look on the speedo for the engine shaped light. it will flash, for example 3 flashes a gap then 2 flashes this is code 32. then it repeats or comes up with another code. these codes denote faults. then you can look them up on the net under toyota fault codes. have fun
Apr 1, 2:27pm
I'm picking internal crack in the dizzy rotor.
Apr 4, 6:02am
so . . . Have you fixed it and what was wrong with it!
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