just wondering if there are any people out there that has had "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE" or know of or who could give advice on these charges there are three. #(1)failing to stop after an accident to ascertain if there was any injury (the person only got bruises nothing life threatening). #(2) careless use of a vehicle causing injury. #(3) failing to give details of name and address. now for #(1) the driver did stop but not right away it was ten minutes after the said so called accident was meant to of happened, it is not as if they fleed the scene full stop; as for #(2) apparently regardless of the witnesses statements, the person that was injured saw the moving vehicle 50 meters away from where they were standing and decided that they were not going to move but stay put to be hit, like they wanted to be hit. and for #(3) the person who got hit by the vehicle had the name of the company and the number of the vehicle and registration number. so is there any one out there that has had experiences on any of these charges personally
Mar 31, 5:37am
yup. get a lawyer, get a real good one.
Mar 31, 5:44am
Damn, you run someone over and they wanted you to, then go back ten minutes later, you in the poo. Go see a Lawyer, not a motoring MB, IMHO (o:
Mar 31, 5:46am
Capitals, punctuation and paragraphs required. Then, and only then, perhaps I'll take an interest.
Mar 31, 5:55am
Who cares!
Mar 31, 5:57am
I care. I'm not wasting my time trying to unjumble that gibberish just because the OP is lazy.
Mar 31, 2:02pm
Chill down buddy. I assume you are having a bad day. The poster is probably emotionally effected. Grammar and spelling were not the top priority for them. You don't need to rubbish them.
Mar 31, 2:10pm
got enough time to waste to write this now your wasting everyone time/
Mar 31, 2:49pm
Good song that.
Mar 31, 3:07pm
I'll clean it up for ya Tony.Driver ran someone over and then did a runner. Get a Lawyer OP / Driver
Mar 31, 3:17pm
So if the person who was injured saw the moving vehicle 50 metres away, then the driver of the vehicle must have seen the person.so why hit them! Failing to stop means failing to stop AT THE SCENE. Failing to give name and address.well the driver either gave a name and address, or didn't. Pretty simple. I would say the charges are indefensible, plead guilty and don't waste taxpayers' money any further.
Mar 31, 3:40pm
Stop making bullsh*t excuses and take your medicine.
There is no charge for that advice.
Mar 31, 3:46pm
I went into a Lawyer's office the other day and asked him "How much will you charge me to answer 3 legal queries!"
"$1000" he says.
"Crikey, that's a bit pricey isn't it!"
"Yes, it is.What's your third question!"
Mar 31, 4:07pm
Happy April Fools day spunkeymonkey.Good wind up.
Mar 31, 9:23pm
aprils fools
Mar 31, 9:32pm
Stop it!
Mar 31, 9:37pm
11.31 on march 31st cant do an aprils fools until the first otherwise its cheating
Mar 31, 9:48pm
Buy yourself a box of KY jelly.
Mar 31, 10:59pm
remember to take ya meds next time oh.and don't drive.
Mar 31, 11:08pm
It's a priority for me and while I perhaps don't need to 'rubbish them' I was on location at the right time so I did because someone has to - they need to raise their game.
Mar 31, 11:09pm
You forgot the most important bit: allegedly.
Mar 31, 11:17pm
I think you need a comma after 'time', so it would read like this: 'It's a priority for me and while I perhaps don't need to 'rubbish them' I was on location at the right time, so I did because someone has to - they need to raise their game."
Mar 31, 11:27pm
It doesn't 'need' the comma. You could put one in if you so wished. I don't so wish.
Mar 31, 11:29pm
It was a little hard to read.
Mar 31, 11:32pm
In that case if it's not an april fools joke.he's screwed.
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