The coolest police car.

zak410, May 30, 6:06am
In Monaco, unfortunately, no much open road there!

"The KTM X-Bow you are looking at is double special. First of all, it is an ???R??? model, being touched by aftermarket developer MTM and secondly, it is used by the Monaco police force to chase cars."

foxdonut, May 30, 7:23am
I don't need to click the link to know and MTM modded KTM is going to be pretty special but I will anyway.

foxdonut, May 30, 7:29am
Pretty cool. Too bad about the old fashion six speed stick shift.

saxman99, May 30, 3:39pm
That's cool.I love how it still has a proper manual gearbox and clutch.

friendly_prawn, May 30, 3:52pm
I would like to see the cops trying a pit manuever with that.

friendly_prawn, May 30, 6:28pm

foxdonut, May 30, 8:15pm
Thats because you live in 1995.

saxman99, May 30, 10:41pm
I live a darn sight earlier than that.

alibobo, May 31, 4:13am
last pic cannot be real. can it! what is that anyway. either way lol

guest, Sep 26, 12:22am
Also, the image that I am using is a PNG. Would that affect the code ( I have aleadry tried replacing jpg eith png )?I am using a child theme of twenty eleven by the way

guest, Sep 28, 5:14am
That's a posting full of inighst!