who would like to see their vehicle licencing fees made cheaper on a monthly or yearly basis for a private car down to maybe under $200 per year for example!. it currently might cost $289.00 for 12mths registration (excluding vintage vehicles) vs the risk of atleast a $150 fine plus ! demerit points on your licence but there maybe a way of bringing that cost down (my lips are sealed for the moment lol) as with the cost of doing a wof but keeping up with the strict WOF standards ., "watch this space"
May 22, 5:48am
I'd prefer if I was a registered driver, as opposed to registered car owner. I own multiple cars but can only use them one at a time YET if I let one run out I have people on me straight away that I'm not paying my share which is for one not true and 2 none of their business.
Would also cut down the fines from nazi parking wardens that just glance the car's label as an excuse to issue a ticket because it's not bound to the vehicle it's bound to the driver.
May 22, 5:54am
would also be better if the continuous licencing system was abolished. one of my cars Im lucky to use it once a month but still end up paying for a years rego to use it maybe 12-15 times. the registered driver idea sounds good
May 22, 5:57am
I'd like to see licensing and all these silly forms and exemptions and windscreen labels done away with completely and an additional fuel tax put on instead to make up the funding shortfall, the way they do it currently is such a ludicrously inefficient means of collecting revenue it isn't funny, as well as being totally unfair on multiple vehicle owners. If your cars off the road and not consuming fuel then you don't pay, simple as that. And I will be telling them this at public submission time :)
May 22, 6:00am
i hate to burst your bubble on the "registered driver" bit but that is what a drivers-licence is for to show the "err gladiators-with-donut-eating/c- offee-drinking-radiators"- that you can legally operate a car.,but as for the "N" word on parking wardens i quite agree although i have heard of them being callled much worse names lol
May 22, 6:03am
you could put the registration on hold and only drive it on a private proprerty with the main access gate to the public road closed or on a publice road at your own risk/at night lol., BUT the main reason for me to start this thread is to hopefully gain support to lower the licencing fees as well as hopefully preventing people from getting a ticket for using a vehicle with no registration (excluding deregistered vehicles) .
May 22, 6:19am
I meant more along the lines of road tax than being registered. The fine for "unregistered" vehicles is stupid with continuous licensing cause you backpay anyway unless it's dereg OR on hold
I use fuel in my racecars so would land up paying roadtax a lot for roads it never uses so would be back where I started overpaying. Plus the balance is NEVER in your favour, they'd whack up the tax on fuel then turn around and say the plan to drop car rego is uneconomical but not drop the new fuel tax. It's the same when they introduce new taxes on income or sales or whatever and say they will drop the old one. They then don't but instead just cut it back a bit to stop outcry and land up with a new system that lets them double dip.
May 22, 6:25am
20c it would be good to see LV certifyingbroadened to a government department for sure. Laws here compared to Aussie are sooo stringent in W.A no warrant checks are done except one, for entry. You only have to keep the vehicle's registration in check after that.
May 22, 6:37am
You can still get ordered to update your vehicles safety cert at any time if a cop decides to order you 'over the pits' in WA. This can cost you a heap of money very quickly if you have been a bit of a maintenance slacker.
May 22, 7:03am
sorry ,don't know anything about the rules in aussie . but i am pissed off at the NZ bylaws that allow the richpeople to get away with not paying for certain things while us low-income earners are lumped with hefty fines for no reg or wof when we are already struggling to save for that sort of thing anyway
May 22, 7:04am
Then again, theres situations where there's multiple drivers and one car. One size will never fit all.
May 22, 7:16am
i'm going to be cheeky in saying this is too-true in any driving situation lol .,
May 22, 7:21am
What are some examples of that!
May 22, 9:39am
True also. Let's just ban roadworkers from pulling up good roads just out of town 5x a year and not touching the bad ones for a good couple decades further out of town a bit. The recovered costs can cover rego costs for the next 100 years.
May 22, 12:05pm
"quote.NZ bylaws that allow the rich people to get away with not paying for certain things while us low-income earners are lumped with hefty fines for no reg or wof.unquote"Yes, what are some examples of these, please!
May 22, 2:02pm
bike rego needs to come down as well, rediculus paying over 500 a year for something that gets used once a week.
May 22, 2:37pm
Duh! So, robotix1970, you're saying that it's ok to drive a car with no rego (rich or poor), huh! So, by that logic, if you have a prang in a car with no rego, you shouldn't get any hospital treatment, or anything from WINZ while you recover! That's what most of the rego pays for. The other argument is don't have so many cars if you can't afford to run them properly.
May 22, 2:54pm
robotix1970, from your posts so far I don't actually have a clear view of what it is you're talking about. Something about reducing the annual licence fee.
Of the approx $288 it costs, a tad under $200 of that is ACC, and 15% is GST. The agent gets somewhere around $5-$10 for their time. There's a couple of other sundry levies in there, and the scrap that's left is the vehicle licence fee.
Which bit of that are your targeting!
May 22, 3:11pm
franc123 wrote: You can still get ordered to update your vehicles safety cert at any time if a cop decides to order you 'over the pits' in WA. This can cost you a heap of money very quickly if you have been a bit of a maintenance slacker.[/quote. A pink sticker/ order off the road doesnt happen at the drop of a hat either. Price is about the same as a cert here, not extreme. The cops are more vigilant at brief checks, it keeps the shitboxes & weidos home.
May 22, 3:13pm
A pink sticker/ order off the road doesnt happen at the drop of a hat either. Price is about the same as a cert here, not extreme. The cops are more vigilant at brief checks, it keeps the shitboxes & weidos home.
May 22, 6:55pm
You'll never be able to have a plate registered against a name instead of a vehicle. There are too many people without multiple vehicles who'd be forced to pay their full share of the ACC levies and would protest at not being subsidised by those with multiple vehicles that they could use just one set of plates on. That makes it a vote loser which trumps common sense.
May 22, 8:29pm
I'm in Queensland and it's the same here, we don't get warrants, only needs a Safety Certificate when it's sold.But be thankful you're not paying the same amount in rego that we are.My V8 ute costs $1074.00 per year, my van and car cost around $850 a year each.$2774.00 for 3 vehicles, plus I have no option to get at least third party insurance on them, as if I hit someone and I'm not insured, they can sue me and I could lose my house!But I have full insurance on all of them, that's another $2k a year in premiums.
May 22, 8:31pm
I'd like to see a registration system that covered the administrative costs of maintaining the registration database, and only that.
It would (purely guessing, here) be about 20 - 30 dollars per year. More than that, there's something very inefficient going on.
Instead of the ridiculous heavy-handed and discriminatory ACC levy included in the rego, make third party insurance compulsory for all drivers.
That way I can be eligible for a no claim rebate, and those people that cause lots of injuries or damage will be priced off the road until they learn to drive properly.
It galls me that I have to pay in case I cause an accident. I haven't been involved in an injury accident that was my fault.
May 22, 8:39pm
Crap system aye its like getting an auction for $15 & having to pay $115 to ship. Also often if I want to change Mags I have to get car re-certed because the wheel specs are on the LV plate. Ithink not all mods' should have to be LV certified, the system needs a good shake up there too.
May 22, 11:01pm
i'm currently trying to set up a club where people pay a yearly membership and one of the benefits would be that they get cheaper registration of their car and it would be a win/win situation for everyone where you have one car/motor cycle registered in your name elligable for a discounted rate "this is only an example of a guy joins a motoring club and pays $50 per year and pays $129 for a year of car registration" . i am NOT trying to de-grade any person on a benefit nor any older person that is above the age of 68 and retired/on a pension nor on a disability benefit,merely trying to help them achieve a better quality of motoring by giving them the choice of paying either full price of registration or saving for that extra mile of fuel.
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