Advice on Subaru Forester T2500 2001, 103,000k

silkycat, Jun 2, 6:09pm
Hi - anyone know whether these have any common problems that are expensive to fix, ie transmission issues!

kevymtnz, Jun 2, 7:45pm
wake up its a Subaru half its like is gone already many break down from 140km owards

silkycat, Jun 2, 8:41pm
Thanks but not helpful - my questionwas whether there are any common problems which are expensive to fix. I need specifics.

kazbanz, Jun 2, 10:19pm
silkycat-just search for subaru issues over to your left
These are not "issues" just simply part of subie ownership.
1)rocker cover gaskets/cam end seals either have been done by 103ki or need to be done.
2)the cambelt is a bit more expensive to replace than most
3) the ac starts to gurgle at random

I have noticed my mechanic is having to do a fair few 250t head gaskets from 96-2000 250t's -might be coincidence