Compression test on V6

peternz, Jul 4, 5:32pm
Hi, How can the compression be tested without removing the plugs !

thunderbolt, Jul 4, 5:36pm
It can't. You can do a cylinder balance test with a scope to see how even they are, but plugs would need to come out to measure the compression in each cylinder.

peternz, Jul 4, 10:30pm
Thanks, I may be looking at a pre inspection on a Mitsy V6 and the VTNZ lot said they have a "machine' that will do that . yea .

specialk11, Jul 4, 10:55pm
If it hauls ass and doesn't blow smoke the compressions probably fine.
mitzy v6 can suffer noisy lifters thou

thunderbolt, Jul 4, 11:34pm

Compression can be checked two ways: manually with a compression gauge, or electronically with an engine analyzer the measures cranking compression. With electronic testing, a computer analyzer estimates compression in each of the engine's cylinders by measuring slight variations in engine cranking speed.

peternz, Sep 3, 8:18am
Thanks, Im still in the old school. Its a Mitsubishi Pajero 1997. Listing No:382353180 . Iv seen it and it looks good and sounds good BUT .!
Thanks Peter