91 D21 Navara Instrument Cluster

supernova2, Jul 10, 5:12am
Hi ya all.I'm still hunting for an instrument cluster for my Z24 petrol Navara.Mine has the black face, white numbers and tacho on the right.I've found what seems like zillions but they all have the clock on the right and no tacho.Yep you guessed it the tacho is the bit I need.Any hints, leads, advice would be much appreciated.Ta Don

wimwom, Jul 10, 6:35pm
Hi Don. I have a d21 navara running z16 engine, info and parts are difficult for it too.What about the Nissan caravan or similar, being that bit more up market you might find what you need in something like that!

pge, Jul 10, 9:26pm
Look at Terrano clusters, they are probably the same.

Good luck.

dunedin_moto, Jul 10, 9:43pm
Use any old working cluster and throw in a cheap aftermarket tacho! Piece of cake to wire up.
Or http://partsworld.co.nz/ might be able to help.

supernova2, Jul 11, 7:00am
Partsworld are hunting for me now but so far no luck.I'm told that the z24 tacho has a different feed signal to the diesel ones (makes sense) so the Terrano option wont work.Could put in an aftermarket tacho but mine has the tacho as part of the cluster and its got a mind of it own - idles at 6000.Although the Tacho unit is removeable from the cluster I doubt it possible to fit a aftermarket inside the cluster due to the printed circuits etc.There must be a few Z24 Kingcab navaras parked at the back of the farm or something surely.Its just finding one.Option of last resort is have the existing one fixed but from experience of instrument repair costs in the past its likely to cost more than the vehicle is worth.Its no big deal it just p's me off that its there but not working.

supernova2, Jul 11, 7:03am
I think the caravan and D22 clkusters are a different shape but maybe the tacho unit might just fit inside the housing.I might have to go orienteering around a few yards.Wonder what else had a Z24 - I'll do somemore research.

pge, Jul 11, 4:54pm
Try a petrol Terrano, then.

Granted, they are V6, but, it may just be a small wiring adjustment.

Good luck.

supernova2, Jul 12, 2:51am
v6 tacho obviously has 6 signals per rev rather than the 4 of the Z24 so wont work.But thanks for the thought anyhow.I've pulled mine completely to bits and its a3 wire feed which i expected (+ - and signal) but it feeds into a mini circuit brd full of resisters, capacitors and a computer chip so am picking its not going to be a cheep fix if I go down that route.

bigfatmat1, Jul 12, 3:32am
send it away to parrotts or robinsons to get fixed. These are like hens teeth to find. usual problems are solder joints and capacitor problems

mantagsi, Jul 12, 3:38am
First try giving all the solder joints a quick reflow, then try replacing all the capacitors as they may be leaky considering their age, you may be quite surprised. Cheap and easy to try, whether you get it going or not you are a bit better off for the experience :)