Toyota cavalier opinions?

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ema1, Jul 12, 2:51am
Expectations and Cavaliers.The two just don't fit. They are getting less and less now which is goodI reckon.

guest, Jul 26, 5:18am
awwww u guys .... i hope toy cavs not so bad i just bought one for 2500 but it squeaks and when i steer it makes a little noise

wind.turbine, Aug 21, 4:06am
hmmmm I guess you get good ones and real bad ones.
had mine for not much more than a year
the alternator belt went first, then the alternator, then CV boots, then the water pump, the on the way to town a few weeks ago when I first started it the check gauges light was on, I though maybe it was because the fuel was low and it was low but fuel light was not on yet (and it does work) went down the first hill and the light went out got it nearly to town and bam it cuts out.
turns out the fuel pump packed up.
and you would not believe how much trouble I went to get a pump.
rang toyota and they had nothing on what fuel pump it needed and they told me to get a sec hand pump.
so I fould a guy that was selling one on trademe but my car was a 98 and the pump was for a 99 but seller insisted they were the same.
but no they were no where near the same so had to take it to an auto sparky to get the good pump taken out of the unit and but in the old sender unit.
what a night mare
sure it was good on the fuel but gosh it has issues.
I am now thinking of getting a rav 4 as that might be a better car for my next job

carclan, Aug 21, 4:07am
They are a piece of crap, I don't even think Toyota likes them.

wind.turbine, Aug 21, 4:08am
plus every time i'm out, i'm looking for issues with it and waiting for ti to die again

wind.turbine, Aug 21, 4:10am
hehe when I took mine in to get the new water pump in you should have seen there faces
it looked like that had seen a ghost

vpholdie, Aug 21, 4:18am
Make great anchor for a boat!

bigfatmat1, Aug 21, 4:21am
great car great economy great to drive easy to work on.reliable as.

wind.turbine, Aug 21, 4:23am
ha you try working in under the hood of one
everything it so confined it to one small place

bigfatmat1, Aug 21, 4:34am
you should try working under the dash or in the door of one make under the bonnet look easy

hatchback, Aug 21, 4:40am
Great cars, I've had one since 1948, had 6 tires and 4 batteries since then, run it on Mobil 1 oil, change it every 57k, never let me down.

morrisman1, Aug 21, 7:11am
Do you normally state the time in 24 hour!

carclan, Aug 21, 8:06am
Its just that when I went to buy a radiator cap I got the same look - I don't want to know look.

brapbrappy, Aug 21, 3:54pm
Lots of agendarised opinions on here probablythe same types who say MX5's are for gays. I have a lady friend who has had one for 5 years andonly ever had a minor issue with waterpump and cambelt replacement. Its now done 145,000km. No rust and currently everything is working well - I drove it last weekend.

ema1, Aug 22, 5:09am
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, that's as funny as hell, much like the Cavalier is at being crap.
At least Pop Corn tastes OK!