Thats great good to see some people still have a bit of freedom to enjoy things.
Jul 4, 4:48am
Yeah, not some very high IQ's in that group.
Jul 4, 4:52am
Damn this is horrible to watch! Like Woodrow said every year more of the few pots we can go wheeling is being shut due to idiots like this not to mention the poor trucks taking a hammering! Cant bring them in anymore. Great to have fun and use them for what they were built for but in a responcible manner that respects the enviroment then heck we can keep wheeling for years to come. Dont go giving the greenies ammo like this to destroy our hobby that some of us absolutley love and work damn hard to protect! Stop being idiots or we will loose our rights to have fun on our rivers forever!
Jul 4, 5:11am
Looks like a pile of harmless fun to me, where do I sign up!
Jul 4, 5:13am
i cant help but wonder if the river permanently claimed any of those 4x4's!
Jul 4, 5:57am
lol people complain when 4wd owners drive them on the road, now people don't like it when they're driving OFF the road. can't win. looked like fun though
Jul 4, 6:06am
mental note to self- don't buy a 4x4 from ashvagas lol
Jul 4, 4:50pm
Agreed. Most of them were boozed as well & riding on top of the vehicles . well thats just plain DUMB & asking for trouble.
Jul 4, 4:51pm
Lets hope so & that they don't have any insurance to sucker for a claim somehow.
Jul 4, 5:09pm
Didn't look like any of that crowd had a winch , not that anybody appeared to have any clues. Pretty brainless even on how to use snatch straps
Love it, . booze/ water/ vehicles & no rules . good way to add to the Darwin awards for sure. Would be more of a fluke that no one got hurt (or so it appeared)
Jul 4, 6:33pm
Harmless sitting in the back of a ute / 4x4 with no seat belt! The drinking as well near water.
Jul 4, 7:50pm
Not one rocket scientist among them and i'll bet their necks are 'red'.
Trailer park & hillbilly are words that come to mind LOL.
Jul 4, 8:03pm
Time to loosen up Johnboy, not all of us want to live in an over regulated nanny state.
Jul 4, 8:36pm
There is a difference between loosing up and over the top nanny state. I lost a good friend of mine who decided to drink himself out his of mind and get on the water. Sure have fun but find the middle point.
Jul 4, 8:48pm
Yeah your rite about that sr2 ,we are so risk adverse now ,some people may as well not get outa bed in case they get hurt,how would a VW toerag,or Audi q7 or whatever ,handle that/!!Its no suprise that every insurgent/suicide jockey likes old jap Hiluxs/nissans/cruisers !
Jul 4, 9:24pm
Looked like a great day out.
Jul 4, 10:30pm
The VW Tuareg would likely handle it just fine. the reason there are no owners of those in the group should be obvious. but I will spell it out anyway. they likely would not want to associate with such idiots.
Jul 4, 10:46pm
So in a nut shell if you own a tuareg your a fun sponge!
Jul 4, 10:57pm
Na, just tend to want to take more care of the planet & $$ spent on the vehicle
Jul 4, 11:58pm
red necks know how tohave fun and actually use 4 wheel drive , thats what that button on the dash is for or the second leverbetween the seats
Jul 5, 12:07am
Thats why they interbreed so much, because they keep getting killed off doing stupid things
Jul 5, 12:15am
Yea sr2 your right,, be better if no booze is seen, thats the only thing i don't like.
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