Longest drive you have ever done?

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tgray, Aug 6, 2:32am
Phoenix Arizona to Tucson to San Diego to Los Angeles all in one day! Over 1000k's. 10 hours and 3 tanks of gas. A very enjoyable drive.

jezz43, Aug 6, 2:33am
3 tanks of gasfor 10 hours driving! what the hell was the car!

morrisman1, Aug 6, 2:34am
Invercargill to chch return in a day towing a trailer

gunhand, Aug 6, 2:39am
Over 900km in one hit apart from fuel stops and lunch on a katana 1100. Im sure it created long term problems lol.
875km daily trips for work, also long night/days.

ninja_man, Aug 6, 2:40am
wellington to auckland, in a car i just bought.

kingfisher21, Aug 6, 2:49am
Wanganui to Queenstown and back to Wanganui over 2 days, NEVER again.

grangies, Aug 6, 2:51am
I've driven from Brisbane to Melbourne non-stop ( shared driving )

Was over 20 hours, and Dad nearly fell asleep driving while we approached Melbourne. Not good.

I took over again for the last hour, and was tired as hell too.

I wouldn't bother trying to do that non-stop again.

rlr29, Aug 6, 2:54am
Were you awake for any of it!

flat_white_ltd, Aug 6, 2:59am
London to Glasgow up M6- 7&1/2 hrs in p*ssing rain in a (leaky) rag-top MGB with a (large) Scotsman for passenger, armed with a (large) bottle of whisky & a(v.loud) harmonica.
(I still cringe at the head-ache)

tantric5, Aug 6, 3:00am
ch ch to hokitika to wanaka to christchurch in one day.14hrs driving if I recall

poppajn, Aug 6, 3:00am
Gore to Blenheim

bubbles52, Aug 6, 3:02am
Post shop to the gas station, took 3 minutes, horrible drive, never again.

tuttyclan, Aug 6, 3:04am
Auckland to Nelson in a day (shared driving),Auckland to Napier and back to Auckland in a day,(shared driving).
Used to regulary drive to Napier myself for the weekend on a Saturday and return to Auckland on the Sunday.

grangies, Aug 6, 3:05am
My God!

I would have blown my stack.

flat_white_ltd, Aug 6, 3:08am
pmsl.couldn't stop laughng for next 3 days,

nz2293, Aug 6, 3:08am
hamilton to invercargill in 18 hours

berg, Aug 6, 3:08am
1000k day on the motorbike. Never again.

bubbles52, Aug 6, 3:10am
London to France, then Germany, Mongolia, Kazakstan, Ukraine, Russia, Alaska, Canada, oh wait that was Ewen Mcgregor

pieman33h, Aug 6, 3:20am
lhamilton to wanganui (towing a trailer,) then wanganui to upper hutt, over the rimutakas to eketahuna, then across to palmy north, then back to wanganui in one day, in an old landcruiser (diesel) was bout 1100 km

xacoon, Aug 6, 3:24am
oamaru to omarama to glenavy to omarama to glenavy to omarama to glenavy to oamaru in a truck. kms arent that high, hours and boredom factor. underpoered and overweight through the saddle.

golem, Aug 6, 3:27am
Nelson to Invercargill, with stops for petrol and food at Christchurch and Dunedin. Nelson to Waihi . about 12 hours including ferry, spending an hour at mates place in Johnsonville fixing wiper motor cos' it was pissisting down and getting lost in Palmerston North outskirts in the early hours of the morning.

quickstitch, Aug 6, 3:28am
picton to auckland, scenic route, Rimitakas, wanganui gorge, desert road, 10 hours

sandypheet, Aug 6, 3:32am
After crossing over from Wellington,Blenheim to Gore in a D series Ford truck back in mid 70s.Got in the poo from the boss,whole return trip was ment to take 3 days.

ladatrouble, Aug 6, 3:39am
I drove from Takapuna to Otahuhu at 8.00am - I could've rowed a boat to the moon quicker.

iceman10, Aug 6, 3:43am
Nanaimo (Vancouver Island) to LA. Left at 3pm, ferry crossing of 1 1/2 hours, 1/2 hour nap around the Oregon/Cali border, inside Disneyland by 3pm next day. '94, some sections were 80mph. Worst part was the stretch between Frisco and LA, too straight for too long. 1700k's. Never again.