Longest drive you have ever done?

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joker9377, Aug 6, 3:45am
Bakersfield Cali to Orlando Florida. Unload/Reload to Oil CIty Chicago. Unload/Reload then to Fargo North Dakota.3 days heaps of happy pills and Subway, pepsi and Marlboros lol. Never again but fun to tell the grandkids about one day.

tortron, Aug 6, 3:47am
Philadelphia to Detroit via Ohio left at about 5pm and got there lunchtime the next day
On a yamaha vstar 1700

fordcrzy, Aug 6, 3:51am

trogedon, Aug 6, 3:55am
I rode my motorbike from Dunedin to Auckland within 24 hours. Going up the middle of the North Island in the early hours of the morning in a rainstorm was terrible. Being half asleep and cold and wet on a motorbike is stupidity. I should??

2get1, Aug 6, 4:08am
Dallas Forth Worth Texas to Fort Lauderdale Florida, non stop about 23hrs from memory. 2 drivers, 1st guy my mate drove for the first 2 hours then I took over and finsihed the driving duties. That was after abit of a mission to get there in the first place, worked a normal day and went to airport, wellington closed due to fog, same on forceast for next day.Went home and to bed, having hired a car, next morning 8am drove to auckland to catch a 6pm flight to LA. Slept for about 1/2 the flight, 3 hour stop in LA before a 4 hour flight I think it was to Dallas, meet up with my mate who hadnt seen for about 7 years. Went out on the town as you do till 3am LOL got up at 9am, purchased a car at noon and started the drive direct to his place in Fort Lauderdale. On the road part of the trip only stopped for fuel, food and toilet stops, all done at the same time, and yeah non stop to Flordia. Cant remember the distance but know it was 23hrs on the road.

sr2, Aug 6, 4:36am
Perth to Surfers via Adelaide and Sydney in an HD Holden. It was 1978 and the 3 of us took turns partying, sleeping and driving. We left Perth on Wed evening and arrived in Surfers on the Sat, from memory it was over 5,000 Km.

upnorth, Aug 6, 4:38am
Portland Oregon to Nashville Tennessee, took in 2900 miles with a detour to see the big man at Wendover and drive on the salt.

Dallas Fort Worth to Spokane Washington, 2400 miles at a mile a minute, so had another 40 hour working week fully committed.

Very useful the Mile marker posts, cruise set to pass each one at 60 seconds while the speedo reads higher and even the odometer error quickly being revealed.

So many options on the Interstate with no traffic lights unless you have exited.

Miami to Seattle would be one of the longest City to City trips in the USA.

topper, Aug 6, 5:15am
21years ago, Dunedin to Wellington, on an old xs400 motorcycle9 1/2 hours plus the Ferry to spend Christmas with (then) 1 year old daughter after a marriage break-up. Great trip, shit situation, sore arse. Daughter due to graduate in November. Still have the bike. Not sure that I could do that trip again with out alot of training.

familiadude, Aug 6, 5:38am
Auckland to wellington stayed there for 2 hours and came straight back

jash3, Aug 6, 5:47am
Invercargill to Auckland 22hours to many stoppes for gas to remeber was Leyland P76 V8 1hour sleep waiting for the ferry 2 more hours on the ferry 1 hour trying to get my sh*t togther ,got to aucks straight into a party had half a bottle of beer woke up the next afternoon "cool trip"

mmmail, Aug 6, 6:15am
Can you remember which highway you took out of Qld into NSW!I think it's the Newell - can be as boring as heck, maybe you took Pacific but.

lacyge, Aug 6, 6:23am
Same here jash3, but i went from Aucks to Invercargill, few mates in the old mans camaro z28, stayed there for a few days then went to homegrown on the way back. Good 'trip' ;-)

don_logan, Aug 6, 6:25am
Levin to New Plymouth -NP to Auckland then AK back to Levin. 80kph in townace truck at what felt like a zillion rpm . Left 1pm on a sunday got back at 6.30 am monday morning in time to start work.

bigracket, Aug 6, 6:28am
Auckland - New Plymouth- Levin - return to Auckland Towing a tandem trailer with a terrano on it. Longest day of my life. second longest was Auckland to Ohura then Wanganui return to Auckland non stop.

zak410, Aug 6, 6:31am
Stockholm to France 2500km in a T20 Suzuki, in the 60s, with a passenger.

kevymtnz, Aug 6, 6:43am
nonstop apart from fuel / nature calls / food
1983 CHCH -ferry - Whangarei 1,280kms 22hrs
1988 Sydney - Brisbane 1,000kms 12.5hrs

bigracket, Aug 6, 7:38am
LOL Thats just epic rock star s@#t right there !

male_timaru, Aug 6, 8:54am
Without looking at the map dunno how far - Stanmore Bay (Whangaparaoa) to Dunedin!Fully laden vehicle with trailer on back - 14 hours driving (plus ferry crossings and loading at Palmy North for 1 hour) so about 20 hours all up

cleverrock, Aug 6, 12:25pm
auckland to christchurch

only stoped for the boat

lovemore_mbigi, Aug 6, 1:49pm
Cape Town to Harare return, two drivers alternating, Jag XJ6.

tgray, Aug 6, 2:06pm
It was a mustang convertible V8.

xs1100, Aug 6, 3:30pm
Auckland -wellington-bulls in one day on a 250cc motorbike was absolutely shattered by the time we hit bulls was a protest ride against ACC charges at the time

dr.doolittle, Aug 6, 4:31pm
Auckland to Fielding & back, all in one day.
Left Ak on a Saturday at about 12.30pm(lunchtime) & got back about 2am Sunday. Hadgreat time & would do it again inheartbeat.

kazbanz, Aug 6, 4:59pm
Invergiggle to dauckland -I guess you could say not non stop because ya can't drive on water. Left at some ungodly hour in the am to catch the ferry then kept going to get to dauckland at an ungodly hour in the night.

gooddealz2, Aug 6, 5:14pm
Dunedin to Auckland in the middle of winter in a Humber Super Snipe.The roads were basically being closed right behind me due to snow starting with the Kilmog and finishing with the Desert Road.Wouldn't mind doing it again as I love driving but would be nice to have time to explore on the way next time instead of driving straight through.