They shoulda taken it/him out in the first few KMs, man they piss around here in NZ. But the panelbeaters will be happy.
Jun 22, 1:51am
shot gun - tyres! Problemo solved. lol
Jun 22, 1:52am
Tyres! Nooooo, they are usefull things.
Jun 22, 1:57am
You're doing it wrong! Aim for the engine from behind the car. if there is anyone/anything in the way, too bad. Don't run from the cops!
Jun 22, 2:04am
The cops are such wimps. Instead of those silly spotlight things on the choppers they should have robot guided machine guns. A shot across the bows --if the idiot drives through the bow shot its his own fault
Jun 22, 2:41am
Put two warning shots between the drivers eyes, if that does not work get more assertive.
Jun 22, 3:18am
They bump the car up the arse if its got airbags.
Boom, everything stops & now its time to bite the concrete.
Jun 23, 10:38pm
Yes, the NZ Police arelookingmore and more foolish every day, with all the PC tripe that comes from the top.
Jun 24, 12:00am
People are finally waking up to the pathetic nonsense they are being sold as a Police force.
Jun 24, 12:05am
In NZ the cop cars have to have airbags too should say ONLY in NZ, most thinking countries allow their police to disable them so they can, if they have to, take a fool out before lives of others are put at risk In NZ the police would give him a warning nudge, his ( the police) airbags would deploy and he'd be sitting there trying to contact the watchhouse while the crim stopped to take photos of him
Jun 24, 2:01am
There you go!That's what the problem is. Succinct and direct and.
Jun 24, 2:09am
Plus may I add they shot the wrong person (that poor Courier driver, RIP) in STATIONARY traffic on the North Western motorway. So probably not a great idea to have cops trying to shoot at an ACTUAL MOVING target i.e tyres.
Road spikes may be the best way to go! That's if they don't screw up in deploying those.
Jun 24, 2:27am
I wouldnt think shooting at a moving target would be the best idea no, well not with the current training and ability anyway.Its not really about killing anyone as much as we think it would be a good idea but there are ways of ending things sooner than all the pussy footing around they do. All there worried about is public reaction to whatever they do therefore back off. The offender seems to have far to many rights these days. So what if he/she gets hurt when they take them out. And most who do that kind of thing will have a string of offences against them already so to me they give up any rights they have. Yes they shot the wrong guy and thats bad for sure but look how long they let it go on for. Perhaps they need specific pursuit cars that are well reinforced to ram the offender asap to end it in less than 5km not 50km. How bloody hard could it be. A 20kph intersection crash can disable two cars for Gods sake. It may sound abit anarcistic to just be ramming cars but as I said they give up there rights. However if there is a child in the car then thats a different ball game as it wasnt there choice to be there, another adult, well tuff luck I reckon. Id rather a few parked cars or shops damaged than a pursuit to go on and end worse the way many do. The longer it goes they more likely it will end bad. Shock tactics straight away. We all know if you go a bit faster they will back off so what does that tell the average dropkick! And yes there needs to be guidelines etc but in this day and age of everything being recordable that shouldnt be hard to see what went on either. But the poor old cop is also worrying about doing the wrong thing and having months of grief about taking out a looser anyway. Well thats my thoughts anyway.
Jun 24, 2:35am
Do you study brain washing!
Jun 24, 2:38am
It can be tricky because it's usually a stolen car. I would I'd be a little raw if someone stole my car and it came back after being rammed into a curb with the wheels folded under it by some plod playing bumper cars. You don't have all the information on hand all of the time. Besides if it's that slow it's no different to the cops driving around town doing their thing anyway so there really is no waste of resources cause otherwise they'd either just be driving around or manning a radar gun or some other frivolous "police work" because 90% of what they do is normally that kind of junk. Domestic disputes where someone got their feelings hurt being hit by their partners cheeseburger in an argument, callouts to help some drunk guy home while he abuses you.
I'm kinda indifferent that they just followed him around. However I will say they do have no balls when it comes to defending their image, the force won't stand behind common sense actions to defend them but will stand behind stupid reasons for things like issuing tickets. That goes back to a lot more than the officer, it's the courts and higher management that push paper that seem to like it that way.
Jun 24, 6:06pm
90% of their work is frivolous! Really! Lets reduce the police force by 90% then and see what happens then eh!
Jun 24, 10:15pm
It's really an arbitrary number I picked and that's obvious. You can be cute and pick it apart but it doesn't change the facts that callouts for cheeseburgers being thrown at people and drinks being thrown at patrons in a bar as "assault" is silly and wastes everyone's time. No one including the so called victims are any better off for the response and in which case it's all kinda pointless.
As much of that falls to people as it does police, why on earth nana's call the cops on every little thing is beyond me. My neighbour called in a domestic dispute on us when a bottle broke at 1am. No yelling, no noise, just a bottle breaking then a swear word, how ridiculous of them not to just ring us and ask if they were concerned. Then there is commuting to small traffic accidents, directing traffic and whatnot. A lot of it is very silly little stuff; it's not all car chases and burglers. I think where you misunderstand is it's good that stuff gets done but the world wouldn't stop if it wasn't.
Jun 24, 10:20pm
All they need to do is note the rego number, post it on here and one of the experienced MB readers will find out the name and address of the owner and then the police can pop around at a convenient time and have a wee chat to them
Jun 25, 4:14pm
I think the misunderstanding is on your part of not knowing anything about policing. These examples you have given above would be 99% of the time resulted by either a phone call or not attended at all.
Jun 25, 9:05pm
I always love when I'm told "that doesn't happen", then it must be ghosts I've been seeing all this time. I'm not even going to bother, I don't even know where you're diverting to from the initial agreement with what the police did. Telling me what I have and have not seen is going to turn into a pissing match I can assure.
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