hijacka, no sticker far as i could say, its just a DENSO AFM. Got some AFM cleaner (CRC stuff) that seemed to clean it, just gonna let it dry over night. Would that cause my problem though!
Aug 5, 1:19am
No luck with clubsub!
Aug 5, 1:39am
Not really mate, someone suggested running wastegate boost only, but dont really wanna touch any of the hoses till iv eliminated the rest of the bits, they are all saying to put boost guage on, but ill try this first. when i say dirty like it was carbon black on one side
Aug 5, 5:16am
Yes that can cause issues. I was thinking yours is earlier one not V7. After you clean it and pop it back on, Reset the ecu and run a diagnostic test and check codes.if no clues then remove and check spark plugs for discoloration and gap them. I found peace with a .6mm gap.
Aug 5, 5:18am
can I reset ecu and diagnostic without a scanner! am I best just to trot back to the garage! it's going in to get rear main seal and rocker cover gaskets done anyway. joy
Aug 5, 5:24am
hijacka where in country are you! got msn or fb or somethin!
Aug 5, 5:26am
black and green plugs under dash, you need to connect them. Hold up, I find u a link
I'm in christchurch and i don't have facebook because im old school lol. you can pm me on clubsub if you like. user 'hijacka' Its better if its done on a scanner if you can wait and not drive it till then. Thats good that the rocker gaskets and rear main seal are getting replaced makesure they use genuine parts. you might also consider a new clutch if need be! I think v7 you plug the 2 set of green plug into each other, i know the v1-v6 is the black and green. that will be handing near the steering column. Plug them in, red lights acc pedal down 2 seconds lift up to half way and hold 2 seconds then foot off the gas, start car and drive at a speed faster than 11kms until codes flash. Just a note that if it had a 02 sensor fault show that could also be a vac leak. I have been stumped with this in the passed and pointed back to a manifold leak my guess is that the leak caused incorrect air fuel ratio which triggers the o2 sensor fault. Also leaks like these can cause the car to behave worst when warm because the heat from the engine causes the leaks to open further whether its a gasket/rubber or abs plastic. Hope that helps
Aug 5, 6:05am
awesome man, do you reckon i tell the garage (they have a scanner) whats going on and get them to sort it!
Aug 5, 6:25am
Yes that would be best
Aug 5, 6:26am
sweet, im going to ashvegas tomorrow to get some bits off roscos to fix the airbox and intake that some r*tard broke, might ask them while im there, and there is another place up there. are you mechanic or ! just have one!
Aug 5, 6:39am
Was a mechanic, I' am looking at setting up shop soon just small business specializing in high end subaru parts and modifications and all repairs all ready have a few good suppliers on board, but with number 3 on the way mad bills to pay, loosing my day job is not a option so i'm just winging it lol
Aug 5, 6:45am
oh ok, dont suppose you would wanna do a cash job then for the work mentioned! :D
Aug 5, 7:01am
Send me a pm on clubsub
Aug 5, 7:08am
done mate :)
Aug 5, 4:47pm
hijacka check ya pm on clubsub mate
Aug 6, 1:44am
In-case anyone is interested, took it to a specialist, after numerous test and guages, found the car was running lean at higher revs (DANGEROUS!) swapped MAF sensor for a working one, fixed the lean issue. Charged the boost system with air from compressor, lleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak, so after ripping the intercooler out, the leak was under there. hopefully all fixed. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread :")
Aug 6, 4:02pm
Thanks for letting us know - I'd been thinking about this. Cheers.
Aug 6, 5:52pm
Aug 10, 2:20am
And also, a faulty boost control solenoid.
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