at the gas station & apparently it was MY fault! Gassed up, went inside, paid & when returning my wife informs me the boy in the car next to us hit our car when he opened his door, so I go & ask the Indian lady if her son had done this. Her reply was that I hadnt left enough room & there wasnt enough space between the cars so it was ok for her son to do this. I couldnt get across to her that if there wasnt enough room he could at least be a bit more careful (as he was when he got back in as he realised my wife had seen him getting out) BUT I was there BEFORE her & if there wasnt enough she had caused it by parking too close to me! But unfortunately logic wasnt her strong point so I gave up but it does still amaze me the lack of respect for others property & the automatic laying of blame on anyone else rather than just own up & say "sorry about that & I'll have a word with my son" (which would have been enough for me)
Jul 21, 10:53pm
Yep^, the country is going down the gurgler.
Jul 21, 10:56pm
I wonder what the usual scenario with this would be in India! It would probably be even if one is blatantly in the wrong ??
Jul 21, 10:59pm
And he/they did.
Jul 21, 11:04pm
They may have been Fijian.
Jul 21, 11:20pm
Fijian-Indian, same thing. But I find no matter what they are (mixed or not) they have the same attitude. Yes only a few may ruin it for them all but what can ya do.
Jul 22, 12:00am
if it happened in indiaa hundred more would have turned up to have there say . seen that after watching the ice road truckers in india.
Jul 22, 12:19am
This sort of attitude is disgusting but has nothing to do with race.
Jul 22, 12:27am
Mid 40s bint did it to me this week in the carpark. I was waiting in my car. I saw her, she saw me. No, no smile, no oops sorry. She just turned to her mate (driver) who backed out and took of in a hurry.
I sat there for a wee while just quite simply stunned at that. Still a bit stunned actually.
Jul 22, 12:32am
So glad I drive my ute everywhere.alum tray,so love car doors
I find if I park my good car in far cnr of carpark away from everyone and walk to shops,when I come back ppl have parked next to me
Jul 22, 12:36am
this was at a gas station, not so many options lol
Jul 22, 2:02am
yea, that sucks. last person that hit my $350 car in a car park got a much lager dent in there $40k car.
Jul 22, 4:48am
i agree with that. just cause one indian did it doesnt mean the rest of them are bad.
Jul 22, 4:51am
Not enough chiefs.too many indians
Jul 22, 7:29am
& you would have done.!
Jul 22, 7:37am
That is shocking, or you get the sort that think its okay to ding your car because there is already another mark on the car. Just like the situation the fiat salesman had, its the arrogance that amazes me. No cares one IOTA about anothers property, especially when you go the trouble to park away from everyone at a carpark and they come and park next to you. Then ding your car, its a sad state to see the country go this way.
Years ago people would be oh I am sorry , not just come up with an arrogant excuse. Same goes for one that parks over your driveway oh but there is no parking. So that makes it okay shall it. You could park up the road and walk. Rant over.
I know that feeling all to well OP, even got a marked bumper from a guy touch parking. Isn't enough to justify getting professionally fixed but sure as hell bugs you.
Jul 22, 3:04pm
People suck.
I try to avoid them wherever possible.
Jul 22, 3:11pm
youre just jealous of my sunglasses lol
Jul 22, 3:42pm
oh this is going to be good. So what do you do about it hornet! Give the woman and her child a good slap around eh! Yeah that'll teach em lol . Wow You're so cool. lol
Jul 22, 4:32pm
Sorry to be a damper on your guys fun, but be just a little heads up. Trademe mods takes any threats of violence very seriously. So becareful what you say guys if you dont want a life time chat ban. Two posters above maybe you would want to contact trademe and ask for your posts to be removed before some clown reports them. Your guys call of course.
Jul 22, 4:41pm
Looks pretty harmless to me friendly_prawn. Your post at #25 is not exactly benign is it! You might want to pull your own head in.
Jul 22, 4:44pm
I like you belky lol
Jul 22, 4:46pm
Umm no I wouldn't. I'm reporting that too.
Jul 22, 4:48pm
Isn't Trade me for traders the person (not what I really want to call him)in question has a zero next to his name should he even be on here! Maybe we should complain about him
Jul 22, 4:49pm
You must have been feeling foolish for your own silly post at #25. You should probly just watch your own posts there friendly_prawn, otherwise you might get another little holiday - and we don't want that do we.
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