Just had someone open their door on my car

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whqqsh, Jul 23, 8:09pm
& youre talking about 'credibility'!

bellky, Jul 23, 8:18pm
Yes I am.

whqqsh, Jul 23, 8:32pm
only applies to others then, ok got it now

bellky, Jul 23, 8:33pm
Yep ok whqqsh. Thumbs up. Did I get you a warning one time!

thejazzpianoma, Jul 23, 8:33pm
I see bellky has moved on to trolling others with my not being around so much.

friendly_prawn, Jul 23, 8:52pm
I just dont get you.
Ibegrudgingly had a little respect for you for putting your hand up to what you were doing.
Now you change your mind and try to deny it!
What little respect I had for you is gone completely.

friendly_prawn, Jul 23, 8:54pm
Hmmm, trolling is not quite what I would call it. There's a little more to it than that.

bellky, Jul 23, 9:01pm
What is this! Victims Support Group!

bellky, Jul 23, 9:02pm
You are wrong. That is all there is to it.

bellky, Jul 23, 9:02pm
Looks like it.

loonee-dial-111, Jul 24, 2:25am
I was walking back to my car when I saw a fat lady getting into the back of the car next to mine. As the car literally rolled with her weight, the door that wasn't open too far until she sat in it hit the edge of mine and sort of slid down it. By some miracle there was no damage!!

splinter67, Jul 24, 2:37am
IM back bellky what happened here did you forget to change your log on HAHAHAHA or are you so full of yourself that you have to answer your questions yes you are intelligent

mantagsi, Jul 24, 3:16am
Haha my goodness, looks like everyones favourite nana is getting a bit of a blasting. Just like the old school days, there is always one kid who stirs the pot then runs crying to the teacher about how everyone else is picking on them. By the way ten out of ten to johnf, have had my share of 'disagreements' with him but these days seems to be pretty switched on! Good on ya johnf. Belky, please stop being such a sad little chappie, if you want to be a nark go join a gang, sell drugs then turn informant, that will give you kicks to last you a lifetime

johnf_456, Jul 24, 3:19am
Thanks ^. Its pretty amusing just watching it rather than being involved.

mantagsi, Jul 24, 3:20am
Haha too right, but damn I can't help but stick my oar in, no matter how unwanted

whqqsh, Jul 24, 3:50am
Mum used to say of such people "he probably just needs a friend"

friendly_prawn, Jul 24, 3:50am

echoriath, Jul 28, 1:59am
Wahwahwah my car wahwahwah might have gotten scratched wah wah waaaahhh I'm a racist jerk about it wah wah wah my vehicle/property defines me wah wahwaaaaah. Boohooo booohoo. I'm going to tell my mommy all about it and have a good cry now.

trogedon, Jul 28, 3:49am
1/ Did you read what I wrote about the Indian / Fijian/Indian kids I've taught over the years! No. Right.
2/ "paked" is that like 'Paki' as in Pakistani!!
3/ Your post would have a whole lot more credibility if you tidied up your spelling and grammar.