Fun to drive

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mugenb20b, Jul 24, 2:48am
Great.Batman and Robin are back.

splinter67, Jul 24, 3:44am
Hmmm this looks very similar to another thread where bellky answered his own comment maybe he forgot to change his log on on the other thread he was starting to get a bit flustered just another thought anyone else notice the only time skyblue17 turns up is when bellky is in trouble

skyblue17, Jul 24, 4:09am
Dont talk crap.I agree or disagree with whom I choose. Go play your childish games with someone else

mantagsi, Jul 24, 5:28am
Probably the most insane 'sunday car' I've ever owned (briefly) was a Fiat Abarth 130TC, holy shit, the skill level needed to get that going was way beyond me, I will frankly admit but what fun! I think the MR2 or MX5 would both be good choices, my personal pick would be an SW20 MR2 with a few quiet changes to give it a little more zing, but the MX5, wow, yes indeedy you might get laughed at but who cares when you are having the time of your life! Disregard ignorant pricks like Belky, falcons are OK to tow stuff and pootle around in but kinda boring when it comes to some good kiwi twisties. If all else fails, I wouldn't turn my nose up at a Kawasaki ER6N, asides from the instant mandatory binning and replacing of the rear shock, this is a fun bike! much nicer than ER5, thats for sure

mantagsi, Jul 24, 5:30am
Belky, you call yourself a man!

What sort of man perpetuates silly internet fights and *immediately* goes crying and bleating to the admins if he perceives he has been besmirched in any possible way! Regardless of whether or not you got a dangler, you are a whinger, a chronic case of the adult brat who constantly intrudes and acts the goat, then gets all sad and vindictive when the old attention whoring doesn't work. Beat it, find some other forum to troll

pixieface11, Jul 24, 6:36am
Hahaha so true thats funny! or sad!

mothergoose_nz, Jul 24, 8:14pm
feel like a million dollars driving my mx5. the mister here likes his hillman superminx.

pebbles61, Jul 25, 4:53am

delerium1, Jul 25, 6:23am
feel free to stay with your outdated technology and over weight cars. In the mean time those 'hairdresser' mitisi and subaru's will be quicker and use less fuel day to day.

brapbrappy, Jul 25, 4:24pm
Obviously you dont know how much fun driving a car that can go fast around twisty bits can be.Straightline grunt needs no skill whatsoever.
Just a lead foot and a lead head

bwg11, Jul 25, 4:43pm
There is nothing I like better than a small performance car in the twisty bits, (owned MR2's, Coopers, AE86's and driven MX5's), but I think some of the comments here regarding Falcons and Commodores date back to the days of VL's and EA's which were wallowing old pigs (probably much worse today with tired suspension and shocks, than when they were new). Try a late model V8 SS, XR8 or an HSV in the the twisties and them comment again.

eagles9999, Jul 25, 5:49pm
Aha! To be noted in future.

chebry, Jul 25, 5:55pm
Some of the old Holdens were ok I had a VH with gas shockies n struts brace etc and regularly drove it quick on Tassie targa stages where I lived nothing floppy about that car it cornered flat and hard tail out under power and completely controllable but everything under it was in tiptop order, ability has a lot to do with being able to drive fast

sr2, Jul 25, 5:56pm
Both great cars but extolling their handling in the tightis pushing it a bit! (Yes I have driven both).

chebry, Jul 25, 6:09pm
Weight is their problem Holdens have got very heavy recently where the early Commodores were only 12/1300 kgs

tigra, Jul 25, 6:18pm
I'll bet in a track comparison an MX5 would eat a 10 year old "Fordore"

bwg11, Jul 25, 7:12pm
The track would have to be tight, like cones in a car park. I said new, you said 10 year old "Fordore", so take a BA XR8 with 150 kW per ton, and a 2002 1800 MX5 with 110 kW per ton. The track will need to be tight!

richardmayes, Jul 25, 7:35pm
The guy who started this thread had some sensible questions about little toy cars.

How / why did it turn into "my V8 is faster than your gay MX5".!

It's a bit sad really isn't it.

tigra, Jul 25, 9:43pm
OP Has $10K to spend so I figured about a 2002 Fordore

friendly_prawn, Jul 26, 4:22pm
Couldnt have put that any better if I tried.

dracs, Jul 27, 7:19pm
Bellky dislikes skylines also as he kindly pointed out to me one I recall an editorial in NZ Classic Car magazine some years ago in which the writer's regular company vehicle (I would assume a classic of some sort which are generally treated with respect on the roads) was at the mechanic for some reason and he was relegated to driving a vehicle that belonged to the sister magazine, NZ Performance Car. It was a modified Integra or Silvia or similar. His startled experience was that while he was out and about driving this Jappa, the behaviour he got from mature, sensible men driving their Aussie tanks was FAR more irresponsible and confronting than the behaviour of other Jappa drivers. Food for thought really.

the.wife, Jul 27, 8:51pm
[quote=perfectly.frank (aka bellky's other half)]


dracs, Jul 27, 9:02pm
Which is why you are on the trademe message board instigating a "my car is faster than yours" argument. How very grown up of you.

murray55, Jul 27, 9:02pm
A manual 4 cyl bmw e30 may not be the quickest thing on the road, but buy a good one and you'll be very pleased with the balance and chuckability. The 6 cyl are faster but not as sweet a handler.

perfectly.frank, Jul 27, 11:17pm
You dont post much . but for some reason . your name sounds familiar to me .

Is it possible that you are married to an old friend of mine . called Trevor ! .