Fun to drive

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bellky, Jul 27, 11:43pm
Get a XR8 or a RX*.

Otherwise you're dumb.

splinter67, Jul 27, 11:45pm
Where ya been Bellky

dracs, Jul 27, 11:49pm
Talking to Monique!

bellky, Jul 27, 11:49pm
Didn't yous here me, trade in your ladies/hairdresser's/pansy-
cars and get a V8 or a Rota. Then you will be cool.

splinter67, Jul 27, 11:52pm
Its been quiet without him lol wonder if he has learnt his lesson new tui add in the making

bellky, Jul 27, 11:53pm
Blah, blah, blerk.

And get a man's car if you can pull it off (doubtful).

splinter67, Jul 27, 11:56pm
Intelligent I think not

friendly_prawn, Jul 27, 11:59pm
I have seen more intelligent worms.

dracs, Jul 28, 12:00am
Only confirms my already firmly-held opinion of people who buy cars from Australians.

splinter67, Jul 28, 12:02am
Rofl you crack me up

splinter67, Jul 28, 12:07am
Which one of us is he trying to get banned now he is being too quiet or has he run away again

chebry, Jul 28, 12:39am
2 cars outside the hairdressing outfit on Marine parade yesterday a FPV & XR8 Falcons no customers inside .Hairdresser cars

the.wife, Jul 28, 12:44am
Not married to Trevor sorry.

perfectly.frank, Jul 28, 2:04am
My apologies . I was almost absolutely 100% positively sure . you were connected to Trev .

the.wife, Jul 28, 3:54am
No problem, no need to apologise.

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:12pm
Hmm hang on haven't you just said I don't race tell the truth dud so is it dont or wont

bellky, Aug 11, 4:22pm

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:28pm
so which is it shall I pull up more of your contradictions its wet here I have all day

bellky, Aug 11, 4:32pm
Go for it. It's tedious though ay.

splinter67, Aug 11, 4:35pm
No not really its going to take a while you've spouted out so much bs on here over the last 3 weeks it will be fun

slarty45, Aug 11, 5:55pm
2012 Suzuki Swift Sport 6 speed manual

ralphdog1, Aug 11, 7:35pm
OP's criteria was no more than $10k.

berg, Aug 11, 8:17pm
Pity as the Swift is a tidy handler. Plenty of sub $10k fun weekend cars out there. MR2, Celica, MX5, 3 series BMW, lightly modified Falcon, Commodore, 16 valve Barina or Swift (old model one), S13-15 Slivia etc. Even a cheap dunnydore with $3k worth of shocks, springs and swaybars can turn into a bit of a weapon.
No need for a pissing contest on here as per what's been happening. Go and try a few cars and research what handling parts are available for each one

slarty45, Aug 11, 8:21pm
just getting the thread back to summat that is fun to drive
as it wuz turning into a bitch fight

berg, Aug 11, 8:27pm
And one of my standard comments "its more fun to drive a slow car fast than to drive a fast car slow"