WOF. Is there any way to check the date of wof on a vehicle

scottorn, Aug 28, 6:39pm
Is there any way to check the date of WOF on a vehicle!

scottorn, Aug 28, 6:40pm
What I am looking for is to check the wof online.

saffa2, Aug 28, 6:44pm

franc123, Aug 28, 6:45pm
Nope, not unless you are an authorised person.You can however get the issue and expiry dates etc off carjam.

bjmh, Aug 28, 6:45pm
whats your rego # !

scottorn, Aug 28, 6:47pm
Reg is DHT 514

poppajn, Aug 28, 6:54pm
Rego expired 31st dec 2010, WOF expired 30 dec 2010

scottorn, Aug 28, 6:59pm
I saw a Wof on this car dated Oct 2011 so would it be a fake!

poppajn, Aug 28, 7:08pm
not sure, but thats a carjam report on it

carmedic, Aug 28, 7:18pm
Did the sticker have an authorisation number on it like 34-566 or a longer numeric one without a dash (4664697 for example) plus the ???off line??

scottorn, Oct 4, 9:59pm
Hi Guys,
Thank you for the information the Reg did match the car, the reason I am checking is we are having an issue with a car dealer and they have just said the car has a new Wof till Feb 2012. We are in Taumarunui and the car dealer is in Hamilton, it is all getting too messy so we won't deal with them.