Does a petrol tanker have a 90kph speed limit

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berg, Aug 25, 9:37pm
Drove for Jeffs at night for some time before going to LPG for a few companies. Been a few other dabbles along the way with various other forms of trucking but mainly substituting my income while mechanicing. Lol, send a thief to catch a thief.

pieman33h, Aug 25, 10:04pm
rail! Latest report from europe indicates the future of goods transportation is with road transport eg trucks due to the time sensitive nature of goods, and the flexibility allowed, as well as eliminating double handling and stock loss.

If this is what europe is forecasting, with millions of people and billions of dollars invested in infrastructure and vastly more efficient and modern rail networks than we will ever have - do you really think we can do it better in New Zealand!

Trucks allow your current standard of living to be maintained and improved.Respect trucks, give them room!

wrong2, Aug 25, 10:43pm
without heavy freight, our roads would hardly wear

repair intervals would get a massive increase

berg, Aug 25, 10:55pm
Without heavy road freight our country would come to a standstill.

marblicious, Aug 25, 11:16pm
The fact that you think the country is stuffed without you forms part of the problem. What a crap attitude to have.

johnf_456, Aug 25, 11:20pm
Gosh some here have some rather large ego´s

philltauranga, Aug 25, 11:40pm
The government HAS lowered the ammount of trucks in NZ by introducing the HPMV system to allow longer and heavier trucks on the road, this in turn means more goods on one truck less trucks needed to move a given amount of freight. So now we need better bridges so the heavy ones have more places they can access. The longer ones carrying light bulk freight can go to most places tho.
Dont even mention Rail/Shipping like the Green party muppets this has been done to death already and IS NOT VIABLE (FACT) for 80-90% of the freight trucks move. Because of the short point to point distance here in NZ, double handling, poor rail network, perishible goods, just in time delevery ect the list goes on and on.
The ammount of RUC tax a truck pays would be WWAAYYY more than the dammage it does to the road, the gummymint take billions in truck RUC each year, does anyone think we would have the roading network we do if they actually took an amount related to the dammage they do to the road!

crankypants69, Aug 26, 1:13am
Or will there just be more hpmv's on the road as less use rail cos the freight will get arrive a lot quicker to the destination!

philltauranga, Aug 26, 1:39am
Well I guess the market will decide that, trucking companys are just a service provider, bit like a taxi or bus are, the people choose with them, you can pay more for direct transport with a taxi, or the cheaper slower bus, whats more cost effective for you time or money! Cant blame the taxi or bus about the choices the market choose. The market choose with trucks to in a vaugley similar way, to taxi=truck, direct fast door to door, or bus= train, slow, and you still got to go from station to the door.
The market will decide on the best option for their specifc goods, time or money.

spunkeymonkey, Aug 26, 2:05am
i don't think that it was the owners themselves, if the god squad goes to your employers and asks for the monitors out of the trucks they will actually find whether or not the driver was speeding and they also go back as far as 6 months.

xs1100, Aug 26, 2:14am
or is it more of a case of theres no way toll would ever sell back the freight part of rail due to the huge profits they make from it.a truck cannot deliver for any were near the cost of a train on main centre runs and toll will not open new lines due to their cost and even i would not want the government spending money on new lines without owning the rights to the therefore we are stuck with new roads.was told at a public meeting a couple years ago the reason tuakau would not get a rail morning commuter service to auckland ws due to national concentrating their efforts on the waikato express way (lot more trucks,paying ruc and diesel tax and the like)

pestri, Aug 26, 2:26am
And when Fonterra drivers in particular learn not to convoy, they will get a bit more res pect from me.

wiz9, Aug 26, 2:46am
Yes, but have you seen the state of the railway tracks, and with more heavy trains wearing them out, guess who pays for the wear and tear. What ever way its done, there is a cost.

pestri, Aug 26, 3:12am
Eddie Stobert is one of the largest trucking firms in the UK. It runs regular trains in their own name and livery from Southern UK to Scotland etc.its cheaper, more efficient and it gets trucks off the road.
Should becomethe no rm here but the trucking firms seem dead set against it to the cost of each and every other road user.

miss-shortae, Aug 26, 3:14am
i drive 3000km on a average week, and i think most drivers work 70hr a week (log book law) but in saying that, many drivers help other drivers in the yard to load/unload, and most dont put that down for paye

crankypants69, Aug 26, 3:21am
So the trucking company's are using trucks instead of their own trains in this country so they can be less efficient and make less money!

cye2, Aug 26, 3:45am
our trucks are goverened to 93ks. on the speedo it reads 95ks, gps reads 93. We also have a printout everyweek on all the drivers as to who was the most fuel efficient driver, braking and such and also who was speeding the most. It can also tell you if your not using the cruise control! I know this coz I tried bullsh*tting that I was but they clearly could see I wasnt lol. You can't hide nothing on our trucks, if you hit over the 100k going downhill the boss gets a text alert and phones you up to slow down. We also have driver cams and e roads on truck an trailers which is bliss as we have no need to check for rucs anymore.

pestri, Aug 26, 4:00am
Nope; they are not wanting to encourage their natural competition.

philltauranga, Aug 26, 4:07am
Google-- "rail freight vs road freight NZ" and read the TERNZ report "The contestability of NZ road freight task by rail" (its the first link that comes up) and you will have a better understanding of why we dont compare to the rest of the world, oh well looks like we are all stuck with trucks for now as you will notice the section in there that points out ." 3-7% share of road freight is currentley contestable by rail"
so looks like its as I pointed out earlier.IS NOT VIABLE.
Currently rail takes 13% of our freight and at a push could take ONLY UP TO 3-7% of the freight trucks take, that wont do much for getting trucks off the road.
I have read alot of reports about this subject and belive it or not I support rail but until you read the FACTS about our unique countrys infastructure its hard to understand why we cant swap trucks for trains, I wont bother spouting on any more about it some people will never get it.

pestri, Aug 26, 5:28am
Then spend less capital on roads and more on rail. easy.

offrd1, Aug 26, 2:32pm
Yes we could do with more capital on the railway spent here .lol.rattling on about spending less on roads more on rail won't do much for the South Island as there is no rail for about90% of it .i'd be even happy if we had 1 bus here .lol.

klrider, Aug 26, 2:51pm
Bollocks, they might be better without a load, but still heavy, and dangerous.

serf407, Aug 26, 4:14pm
There are some countries where you would not want to be a tanker driver.

wiz9, Aug 26, 9:04pm
The obvious reason would be the cost of using rail for some businesses.As one story shows. years ago the cost of laying track was one million per km from memory. Hate to think what it is now. Dairy products and coal do alright on rail though.

horsygirl, Aug 26, 11:12pm
Nissan heavy trucks don't need road speed governors.they struggle to do 90k with a load on.