Does a petrol tanker have a 90kph speed limit

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modie61, Aug 25, 5:04am

modie61, Aug 25, 5:05am
I have several.

What do you do !

serf407, Aug 25, 5:10am

crankypants69, Aug 25, 5:10am
I drive fuel tankers, Was just curious when you said you said you had a job to eliminate accidents, wasn't trying to be nosey

likit, Aug 25, 5:40am
Can do over 90 down hill but then you would be paying your boss a visit so,not worth the hassle.We are paid a good hourly rate so why rush!

pc_evo, Aug 25, 6:24am
I dont work for fonterra, but i know for a fact they are limited, no arguments, no bullshit, i do a lot of work alongside there tankers.

I have rolled one myself, not due to speed, it is very easy to do, so them limiting themselves to under 90k is a good thing, anyone who says they are going faster, get your speedo or gps checked, cause quite simply, there not! At most i believe they can do about 93k ACTUAL SPEED, in other words, tyres wear you might be able to crank out a little more for a little time, but not long, and its unlikely.

The public that dont drive trucks need to understand, us truck drivers are there to get the work done, just like you sell stuff at the warehouse, or sit in an office, or go to the courthouse etc, you get the idea. Truck drivers are the backbone. if we dont do stuff, you dont do stuff, if we dont deliver you dont eat, you dont travel, you dont earn, you dont live. FACT.

So we dont need moaning car drivers telling us we're doing 130 and being adament about this, when clearly we're not.

Basic rules of the road, if its bigger than you, dont taunt it, and get out of its way.

Truck drivers are generally more careful than car drivers, yes even log truck drivers. Mostly because, if they drove like half the muppet car only drivers you would see A LOT more accidents.

So next time you see a truck respect it, the driver probably drives 1000k or more further than you do a week, and probably averages 20 hours more than you too, and without him, you probably dont exist. its all about respect, respect for other drivers and respect for the speed limit

chris_051, Aug 25, 9:21am
Fonterra drivers get a bad wrap because they know the road. I've driven trucks in Northland, Coromandel, Lewis Pass Chch-Nelson, West Coast and they all leave me for dead on those roads. without breaking the speed limit. This is where I assume the braindead public get the assumption they are speeding. bacause someone has the ability to drive a 20-40 tonne truck faster than they can a 1.5 tonne car.
Moody ya tosser are you highlighting the fact that 9/10 crashes involving tuck v car are caused by the driver of the car! Don;t see what what you are trying to achieve maybe go a week without relying on goods delivered by trucks and see how ya go.

net_oz, Aug 25, 12:33pm
I love myself too but i wouldn't publicly boast about it.

dezzie, Aug 25, 1:09pm
Its all very well putting up pictures.what about the cause of the accident as well, I feel sorry for truckies at times, I watch idiot car drivers pulling out in front etc because they don't want to be stuck behind a truck, or cutting them off at the end of a passing lane because it took them longer to get past than they thought (I'm guessing there, maybe they are just stupid), me personally, if I'm on a bit of road I don't know, I'll quite gladly follow a truck, because he knows the road, altho when they are fully loaded and going up a steepish hill I'm always glad to see the passing lane sign.
Theres heaps of muppet car drivers out there tho, who would probably benefit from spending a day in the cab just watching what goes on.

dezzie, Aug 25, 1:12pm
I guess someones gotta love you, pity your customers don't have such a "top" opinion, aye.

berg, Aug 25, 3:06pm
Both sides of the fence here. I used to drive trucks and now I work within the trucking industry trying to improve the national fleet and driver behaviour.
There's still plenty of cowboys out there (I see and deal with them every day) but the industry has got better in the last ten years or so. Still plenty of speeding trucks out there as well but companies are learning that speed costs money so they are taking bigger steps to curb it.
There are some scary muppets out there driving trucks as well (re the one who thought it was OK to abuse Mrs Berg at the lights for holding him up when she was sitting on the speed limit (certerfied speedo) calling her all sorts of abusive names all after tailgating, speeding, talking on the phone while speeding and carrying unauthorised passengers (yep I rang his boss) but they will get pushed out of the industry eventually.
But, by and large, the industry has improved and should continue to do so.

modie61, Aug 25, 4:03pm
The driving standard of heavys is def on the improve,thanks guys.

poppajn, Aug 25, 4:10pm
Maybe you need explained to you how speed limiting work,s!
unfortuneatly I don,t have the time or inclination to tell you. I think your mind,s made up.

gmphil, Aug 25, 4:23pm
Was coming back from tauranga this was bout ten year ago was doin bout 120 half eleven at nite saw these headlights apear in my rear veiw then noticd them gaining rapidly ,rounded next bend on the brakes get me down so ticket not so bad lol when lights caught up was logging truck with trailer pass me in my little celica like i was standing still ( still doin 105 kph) gave me shits to be honest kinda madecar wallo a bit after shock down gear up to130 kph couldnt catch him tho he must beindoin 140

miss-shortae, Aug 25, 4:29pm
im sure that was due to a medical condition, or something like that. truck drivers are people as well, and we all have medical issues like everyone else.

miss-shortae, Aug 25, 4:34pm
i second that, imagin if all drivers went on strike for 1 week. supermarkets would be empty, petorl stations would close and all the rest

flack88, Aug 25, 4:36pm
Has anyone ever thought WHY these drivers are stressed out !!it not because they have run outa crack.Its because of the pressure put on them,by the managers ,companies etc,and the rates are so low their working NOTHING,unless you have experienced it you wont have any idea,so to all the truck cops and highway patrol on here,thats how it is.As for speeding 90k plenty fast enough,if could actually maintain it,but with all the f.wits on the road impeding the traffic flow not a show,so how bout targeting them!!

wrong2, Aug 25, 4:37pm
trucks are what wreck NZ roads

trucks at 100 keep people moving better, but do more damadge

the solution is to lower the amount of trucks operating in NZ

berg, Aug 25, 4:43pm
Like, WOW

sheena32, Aug 25, 4:43pm
Na wouldnt hapen get ill then( scrabs) then back normal

berg, Aug 25, 4:45pm
Not entirely. Piss poor road construction is what wreaks NZ roads. No real viable options to trucks in NZ at this stage. Rail just not up to the task

robertsons-nes, Aug 25, 5:10pm
since when has rail not been up to the task,its far easier,cheaper and safer to put something on a train overnight between auckland-wellington than a truck,trucks should be servicing from the major rail heads out not competeing with have 2 engines 2 drivers and anywere up to 40 containers on the back equiv to 20 trucks

flack88, Aug 25, 5:10pm
Who did you drive for Berg !before you became a Truck cop.Run with the mice hunt with the rats eh,be careful out there.

philltauranga, Aug 25, 5:12pm
Wow some interesting comments on here, I have a handy cam set up in my truck it records continuousley and has WAY better clarity than the other in cab cameras, had it for 3 years, I wont drive without it now. It would seems that an oversize sign and flashing lights are catnip to muppet drivers, they ALL come out of the woodwork. So far in 10 years I have seen 2 cars go underneath the overhanging part of the wide load, very lucky in both cases the load was high enough they cleared it, but we do pleanty of wide loads that are at deck height, if they hit that type of load it would have taken the roof of the car off, both times in 100kmh speed zones and both times because they ignored the pilots instructions. So yea wont drive without a camera, for obvious reasons.

pc_evo, Aug 25, 6:48pm
To the person that said i love myself, someone's got to ay, lol. ps who gives a shit what you think ay buddy ;)

Rail, although a nice idea, will not keep up with road, you will always need both.

I would agree that NZ roads take a hammering and could probably do with being constructed differently. But progress is being made with stabalisation.

Why are people not over this yet! It all came about from 1 truck. Anyone noticed trains speeding (:o thats a can of worms opening right there).

I would ask the drivers moaning about the speeding trucks this, do you whinge when your trademe goods dont turn up on time! ay ay :P