hi brought a truck of here for $7000 a couple of weeks ago , owned for 6 days and she blew up been at the mechanic and there is obvious patch up's done on the truck. Going to cost around 3500 to fix, do we have any rights in getting the seller to pay! tia
Aug 28, 3:01am
So there was explosives strapped to it! what exactly went wrong, and make model and year and we could give you some helpful advice
eta - is it the isuzu! what went wrong and what was the patch up!
Aug 28, 3:02am
pretty sure it depends on whether or not you can prove they knew about it before selling. Take my advice with a grain of salt however as I know nothing haha
Aug 28, 3:04am
Did the full prepurchase inspection you got from a professional before buying not reveal any problems, including these 'patch ups'!
Aug 28, 3:59am
plus 1
Aug 28, 4:04am
Did you buy it ona fixed price offer!
Aug 28, 4:10am
You did get it checked out before you spent that much. didn't ya!
Aug 28, 4:12am
Thats bad luck id be pissed off ,is it petrol or diesel/!
Aug 28, 4:26am
Well this is a bit of a non-event.
Aug 28, 5:13am
Maybe OP has committed harikari.
Aug 28, 6:43pm
Actually in this case hmmm. Its a clear case of misrepresentation. Or put simply the seller did tell lies. Yep the OP diddn't do herself favours but if the buying decision was based on the words used I think she may have a case. The exact wordsUnedited from the advert Has been very reliable, regular service surplus to requirements. Yea the cynics will say--yea was reliable untill it blew up but given the patch up job done it clearly indicates the seller was aware there was a mechanical issue
Aug 28, 7:01pm
+ key wordk kaz "has" It doenst say is reliable. I cant see where the seller has lied or had misrepresent the vehicle at any stage. even if they had bodgied up the motor some how, its buy beware. Original poster is screwed. Although, has the motor really had some dodgy work done it! Guess we'll never really know unless the o/p decides to come back.
Aug 28, 7:13pm
You could try taking the seller to the DT if you can prove they knowingly ripped you off!
Aug 28, 7:28pm
seller says it was regularly serviced, if you can prove the patch up job was done recently, id say there is a case. it had never been serviced, the seller could argue that they had no idea.
Aug 28, 7:38pm
I think you guys are clutching a straws here.
It is a common phrase to say "My car has been reliable", it does not have to mean that is 'was' relaible, and now is no longer.
I refer to my FG in this way, It has been reliable It has only required one A/C relay in 4 yrs and 135k, apart from normal service items.
Aug 28, 7:47pm
Still no word on what (Blew Up) means tho.
Aug 28, 7:49pm
Wouldnt you ask more questions than how much is it going to cost to get it to me if you where paying 7k for a truck that you hadnt acualy seen dam shore I would
Aug 28, 8:05pm
LOL.Well they did ask how high it was. But why do people buy vehicles (especially ex-commercial) sight unseen, without an independent inspection, particularly when you are so far away.
Aug 28, 10:34pm
Lets agree to disagree mon. I have apsolutely zero sympathy for the OP on the basis that they made no effort at all to have an inspection done. However the way the advert is phrased I can honestly say that I feel the OP has a case against the seller.
Aug 28, 10:40pm
who knows kaz you could be right. Im only giving my opinion. And I have been known to be wrong. Once, back in 1978 I think it was. :-) Still regardless of who's right. There is no harm in trying to get some sort of compensation. Whats the worst that can happen. The case gets thrown out of the disputes tribunal. Or the owner tells him to bog off. .
Aug 29, 12:52am
Commercial vehicle presumably used forfor commercial purposes. basicly you are on your own.
Aug 29, 1:15am
You can give them bad feed back.
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