I am having trouble finding any info on the net, I have a Mitsubishi cedia 2001 touring, it has died with a full tank of petrol, we thought we might siphon the gas out but I can't find out if it has the valve which we can do it or the other thing that you cant get thru. Thanks for any help
Aug 25, 2:11am
You could take the fuel line off at the engine, flick the key on to accessory and let the fuel pump drain it into a container for you
Aug 25, 2:15am
What's wrong with it, it may be easier than you think to fix it!
Aug 25, 2:17am
Its Dead (o:
Aug 25, 2:19am
Jmma is bored again I see. (:o
Aug 25, 3:11am
Could you access the tank under the back seat!Many cars have access panels for things like the fuel gauge sender and fuel pumps.
Just dont stick your palms on your face after doing it right!
Aug 25, 5:01am
Thanks everyone for the tips. Car not fixable so will try above
Aug 25, 5:02am
If there was a prize for the best comment it would go to you. I think this might just work!
Aug 25, 8:38am
Everything is fixable, so what is wrong with your car!
Aug 25, 4:57pm
And there's a chance it won't. Most pumps will give a squirt, then cut out coz there's no pressure.
Aug 25, 5:17pm
AIso, the key would need to be in the on position, no!Fuel pumps are not accessories.
Aug 25, 5:57pm
I had to do the same a few weeks ago, car was to be written off. I just pulled the fuel return line off and put it into a jerry can, then started the car. if the car doesnt go, the pump WONT keep running if the engine is not turning over, you'll need find the fuel pump relay and bridge it. If its gdi, do they have a low pressure primary pump before the gdi pump!
Aug 25, 6:15pm
have you tried undoing the fuel lines from the fuel pump and putting a hose from the pump to a petorl container, fitting a new battery, turning key to on position so fuel pump switches on and pumps fuel in container!
could work! just throwing ideas out there
Aug 25, 6:19pm
the pump will only pump for 5 or so seconds if the motor is not running.
Aug 25, 6:20pm
As I said on another thread a couple of weeks ago.Ice pick and a big tray. Place tray under fuel tank and punch hole with ice pick. Fuel runs out no power or sparks. If you are scaping the car who caresabout the tank.
Aug 25, 10:51pm
even if you do it at the pump! not from in the engine bay.
Aug 26, 1:43am
yes, will only run for a few seconds unless motor is running, wont make any difference if its at the pump or the engine. find the fuel pump relay and bridge it, then with ignition on, the fuel pump will keep running.
Aug 26, 3:41am
bridge the relay or power up the fuel pump at the pump itself pull the fuel line off from somewhere or add ya own then wait a hour or so for it to pump the gas out. or some cars have a bung in tank jack up remove bung drain into container
Aug 26, 6:57am
I usually undo the feed line in the engine bay, put it into a container (like previously mentioned) then pull off the starter solenoid wire and hold the key in the start position. Just keeps pumping till you let go of the key
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