Silly me purchased car in good faith today which turned out to be a lemon.Despite the countless wise counsel I foolishly ignored it. I have paid but haven't completed signing over title of ownership.
Sep 7, 6:20am
Purchase complete upon paying and taking possession.No such thing as signing over title of ownership.
Sep 7, 6:26am
yep , up to court or tribunal now , if vehicle was mis-represented. . .
Sep 7, 6:38am
I checked out listing and only now suspect shill bidding.I was competing with an unauthenticated member signed up in the month of the auction whose TM name was the same as the female account holders husband.I'm hoping my thoughts are not wishful thinking.
Sep 7, 6:42am
Well you made the choice to keep bidding, you decided what you wanted to pay. What is wrong with the car to make you say it is a lemon!
Sep 7, 6:49am
Bidding was done by someone else by my instruction.Too embarrassed to say why but yeah it is my fault.
Sep 7, 6:59am
So why is the car a lemon!
Sep 7, 7:21am
Shaking noise from engine like its not mounted or it could be suspension. Noise wasn't noticeable with radio on.I didn't think it would affect my first impression.
Sep 7, 7:36am
And it might only cost 10 buxs to fix as it could be a dud plug.Whts the car and what did you pay!
Sep 7, 7:38am
sounds like something minor and in keeping with the age of the vehicle and price you paid. why not take it to a garage to find out what the shake is!
Sep 7, 7:55am
That's the plan. I'm pretty guttered atm I'm normally asleep at this time.Just want to know how much it will cost.Hope you're right woodrow.
Sep 7, 8:03am
Considering my wage and time it took to save I'm frustrated.Wasn't planning on getting a car till a serious need for one asap arose last week. What hurts most is my pride atm.Too shame to admit to family I made an unwise purchase.It's alot of money to me and I chose this car because I find through past experience toyota cars easy to find parts and reliable.
Sep 7, 8:09am
I wouldn't panic too much. there's a good chance it could be something quite minor
Sep 7, 12:37pm
Yay TM says I was right about the shillings bidding!I'M so pleased now:)
Sep 7, 1:19pm
What make and model is it!
Sep 7, 2:15pm
It's the lemon yellow one lol
Sep 7, 3:21pm
wasn't a 'toyota' cavalier was it!
Sep 7, 3:26pm
It was a 95 celica 505373879 is the auction number. Did you test drive it before you bid
Sep 7, 3:27pm
So does that mean you will get your money back from the seller!
Sep 7, 3:28pm
the shill bidder was not the underbidder
Sep 7, 3:31pm
So what happens now!
Anyway, car looks alright and there was another 'genuine' bidder at the end there. You may not have done that badly :)
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