I just had a phone call to nz transport agens The costs are Over the phone on hold 10.40$ in a shop like AA post etc 5.50$ and on the internet do it your self Free of chage still.
Sep 10, 11:14pm
the reason why i called em my blood was boiling as i got a letter telling me i sold my car or disposed off it in june , I was told this probably has happened because my form to change of registerd user of the vehicle was entered befor the sellers part turned up and the automated system triggerd this letter. And i was thinking some ba$tard degegod my brand new possesion somehow as the printout is wierdly written like you either sold or disposed of the vehicle blabla numberplate*********
Sep 10, 11:14pm
the reason why i called em my blood was boiling as i got a letter telling me i sold my car or disposed off it in june , I was told this probably has happened because my form to change of registerd user of the vehicle was entered befor the sellers part turned up and the automated system triggerd this letter. And i was thinking some ba$tard deregod my brand new possesion somehow as the printout is wierdly written like you either sold or disposed of the vehicle blabla numberplate*********
Sep 10, 11:20pm
Their wording on things is terrible. What makes me mad is the (I suspect deliberate) wording on the letter that arrives when your vehicle license falls out of date. It has big red warning bits on it telling you the whole years license fee is overdue. This is a blatant lie of course, only a month (or how ever long the letter takes to arrive) is actually overdue. I wonder how many old people on a fixed income have a panic attack at the letter and do themselves short to pay a whole years worth. If they were a private company they would be be hauled over the coals under the fair trading act for such misleading behavior.
If it turns out doing it online is free, then I'd say that was fair enough, there is an administrative cost in the other methods.But like intrade, the way I read the legislation, was that the net would be $10.40
Sep 11, 3:23am
What's the bet if someone else rings em they will get a differnt fee structure!
Sep 11, 5:12am
$5.50 at the AA. And about 2 hours to get it done! Is their service as slow everywhere else!
Sep 12, 5:59am
Opps stuffed up a couple of posts there .check out the thread title from a few days ago .govt charging to put motor vehicle on hold!
Sep 13, 3:30am
I tried putting that up but damned if I know why it wouldn't work, you did it,got the result and that's the main thing Thanks bellky
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