thanks gedo, your thoughts are exactly as mine are. I had a read up last night of the article on NZTA about parking and it would appear that those L lines are only used as reinforcement of an existing restriction, i.e. the vehicle entrance, and do not constitute a restriction themselves, meaning the ticket should (and will eventually by the time I am finished) be withdrawn
the very fact that I was not ticketed for parking over a vehicle entrance itself says to me that the parking warden knew that the vehicle entrance was redundant and that the markings on the road are now incorrect. Maybe he hoped that I would just pay up. Not happening buddy
Here is the picture of the other side, showing the L paint, and that the vehicle entrance is no longer used. And no, that window doesn't open to let the van out, I work there and the opening is further along and has no offical vehicle entrance on the kerbing.
Ya the 'not parking in the lines' offense is for people who hang the nose or tail over into the next park, or out of the last park into a driveway. You've parked on the side of the road that has no parking restrictions in place = legal. If they try and claim that because you are not inside marked parks you are illegally parked, then there is a problem with the vast majority of NZ's residential roads that are not marked. By their reasoning these can not be parked on as you would be outside the nearest park (which could be km's away).
Oct 3, 12:54am
Oh and if you have a look at google street view (12 leet street) then it shows what it used to be while the vehicle entrance was still present and used.
Oct 3, 1:08am
Bulls#$t, the the judge will have no choice but to go by current legislation not wording on a ticket. I say go for it morrisman, stick it to the man!
Oct 3, 3:19am
Does the sun still rise out of Tim Shadbolts backsideevery morningdown there!
I would think a quick email or phone call to theex young radical would get the ball rolling. be a sad day in Invers when Tim Shadbolt bows to petty bureaucracy mind you he's more of an old battler nowadays than a young radical.
Oct 3, 6:40am
Last time I got a parking ticket in Invercargill it was for 10 dollars, 8 if you paid within the week! I think the library holds a lot of the council laws for parking, which is walking distance from the scene of the crime.
Oct 3, 7:38am
Pic says the balls in Personally if moi was yoi-shyte if ya had da parrk for twelve months i woulda juss bought me own meter and painted mee own lines.LOL
Oct 4, 12:34am
I think Ill have to get drunk to understand that post
Oct 4, 12:38am
Yep, me too.
Oct 4, 6:05am
LOL, yea was thinking the same thing
Oct 4, 7:00pm
That's perfectly legal to park there - you're between metered parking demarkations. Nice spot. Fight it and you will win.
Oct 5, 2:17am
maybe it's because you are taking up two spaces!
Oct 5, 5:11am
Maaateee I still state that respectivley IMHO You !Spied out! that park 12 months ago. AND USED IT FOR 12 MONTHS. Why not paint ya own lines and install ya own metre! [Why even NOW the warden will simply think the council fixed it.-lol]
Oct 5, 5:12am
Personally if moi was yoi-shyte if ya had da parrk for twelve months i woulda juss bought me own meter and painted mee own lines.LOL
Oct 5, 5:13am
interesting - especially the post about the grass verges, i shall be looking into it as i have had a few dramas from the council in hamilton, yet the guy up the street gets away with it! Man i hope you stick it to them and good too!
Oct 7, 9:32pm
Ok guys (and shielas) I gave the council a call today and they said that the ticket has been wiped. No further action needed. I insisted on a written copy to confirm (just in case ya know).
I shall continue parking there
Oct 7, 9:34pm
If only there was a way to employ all the meter readers where they would never be seen or heard from again. Maybe Dachau.
Oct 7, 9:59pm
Well done Morrisman.
Oct 7, 10:33pm
Some more excellent advice of the type I was complaining about in another thread by someone who simply would be best served saying nothing. Good on you for taking them on, I would have done exactly the same; they simply didn`t have a leg to stand on. Whats the bet they`ll be yellow lines on that by the morning !
Oct 7, 10:49pm
Well done
Oct 7, 11:30pm
parking meter installation is booked ASAP.
Oct 7, 11:44pm
Well done MM. BTW, where abouts in Invers is that free park as I'm going to be down there this weekend.
Edit, would LOVE to get a ticket. LOL
Oct 8, 12:01am
Well done Morrisman. I've had a good look around in the shop in the background. Very interesting
Oct 8, 12:57am
Excellent result MM.
Oct 8, 4:25am
Tha's a pretty odd looking Morris :-)
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