Car got broken into and 1 rear window broken. Will it fail a wof if the car has been patched up with plastic on the rear window! Wof is due but i need to use the car and have no money for glass repairs at the moment.
Oct 1, 10:15am
Yep it will fail the wof
Oct 1, 12:44pm
Glass cover on your insurance policy!
Oct 1, 1:37pm
Depends which window. If its the back window (facing the back of the car) then its almost definitely a WOF fail, unless its perspex or something like that. If its a side window or quarterlight then it wont be a problem
Oct 1, 3:05pm
If I remember correctly . Front/ back & both front side windows/screens must be of factory spec. BUT back passenger door glass/screen isn't a concern. It's all about visibility & being able to SEE through
Nice but HEY give me a break, I . DID mention I might be off the mark a bit . BUT . On reading that link, I WAS correct about FRONT seat & windscreen glass. It indicates that Glazing behind the driver??
Oct 1, 3:32pm
Remove the plastic and go for a W.O.F without the window.
Oct 1, 3:36pm
So in all that BS and on a slightly different tack - but same thing . can you still get a WOF if you have removed the door glass from the door but your front and rear windscreens are still fitted and in good nic!
Oct 1, 3:36pm
Worth a crack!
Oct 1, 3:48pm
glass will fail if it structurual part. if its a rear quarter door windo then it wont fail a wof as these are non structurual . however you cant have a plastic there for a wof as thats a fail also you need to have nothing there and it will pass , and fit something to keep rain out after. its a joke but its true rules are rules you know . you just got to comply how ever stupide the rules are structured.
This said autoglass Stieger will be likely the most cheap for any window glass replacmend supply. They might not be the best to fit as loads morons are employed there low prices means cant pay high wages so i would buy the glass and get a good mobile guy to fit it at your house.
Oct 1, 3:55pm
the reason why they fail you when you got plastic fitted . the rule states you have to be able to inspect the glass for its savetty numberimprint. Now the plastic dont has a savety number and woala it failed. Another one is you also do not require a spear tyre for a wof but if you do have one and its not secured in the boot then woala its a fail.there probably are a few more , but i cant think of em right now.
Oct 1, 3:57pm
the reason why front and rear windows fail is on the part where they are part of the structural integrety. So with tailgates on cars it should pass without windowbut sedan cars where they are glued in to the structure it be a fail.
Oct 1, 4:28pm
They will pass wof with no side can not have perspex in place.
Oct 1, 4:33pm
Fog lamps. Side flashers.
Oct 1, 4:38pm
Have had boy racers bring their car in for WOF with the window winders removed so you can't wind the windows up and check the tint.You are quite entitled to fail it and ask them to bring it back with the windows up so you can check them.It is not a problem if they remove the side windows completely though. As mentioned, it is only a WOF fail if the missing glass is considered part of the structural integrity of the vehicle.
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