Diesel car won't start in the morning? Please help
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Oct 18, 6:44pm
Glow plug timer or the relays, common as on Pajero's.
Oct 18, 6:59pm
No winns or flashlube. No additives used.
Oct 18, 7:01pm
+1On most diesel Mitsi
Oct 18, 7:11pm
Bit like my old Nissan . have to turn key on , wait for glow plug cycle , turn key off , turn key on, wait for glow plug cycle , start engine . Worked every time for the last five years. Once started for the day it's fine.
Oct 18, 7:11pm
Tomorrow morning, before you try to start it, lift the bonnet and operate the hand pump on top of the fuel filter. Pump it till it builds up pressure and until hopefully, you can hear fuel going back into the tank. Then try and start it and report back. If it starts properly after a hand pump, it will be fuel draining back or air getting in.
This is the simplest test, and so the first thing you should try before trying the more difficult tests, or replacing parts on a suspicion.
Oct 18, 8:09pm
Righto. I will try this in the morning. Seems logical. Thanks and will report back in the a.m. (after batteries have recharged)!
Oct 18, 8:18pm
have somone use the primer pump to bleed it while you crank it over if the bleederpump wont go hard then you myght even have a faulty mambrane on the fuelfilter letting air in if it starts then you pump the bleeder while you crank it after glowing then you got a air leak from faulty seals . i see mechnificent already posted what i was gona tell you.
Oct 18, 8:20pm
you dont us a additive = big chance of having air in the system . if its the case report back and i instruct you how to possibile cure the problem unless there is a crack in a seal already .
Oct 18, 9:13pm
simple answer front seal and shaft in the pump are gone , leaking air into pump overnight or when left standing , another way to check , unscrew fuel filter empty into a container,if the diesel is black = engine oil in pump.= leaking front seal,
Oct 18, 9:31pm
I do a similar thing except I let the engine turn over once. Just a 'chug' then I turn the key back to off, then do the glowplugs again & then start the engine. Works every time & I have started diesols that way that other people couldn't.
Oct 18, 9:39pm
Your recommending additives in almost every post. Do you work for said additive company or something!
Oct 18, 10:19pm
So am I rightFuel draining back to tank .
Oct 18, 11:27pm
christ ! this thread is just mind blowing, far worse than the P i bought last week. just put a match to thefriggin thing and be done with it
Oct 19, 6:47am
Have a Citroen the same real cold glow twice crank once rinse repeat
Oct 19, 8:36am
Youve never seen a diesel engine have you or you wouldnt suggest such a stupid idea in trades miracle gloop would be better though its unlikely it works.
Oct 19, 8:53am
Don't try starting till the afternoon.
Oct 19, 1:57pm
chebry if your haveing a go at me take a chill pill we dont need idiots like u, people here are only trying to help,we do at least 1 4m40 pump a month 9 out of 10 need a new shaft as the front seal cuts into them,as any diesel fuel shop will tell u, last time i help on here, people like u and your smarts arse remarks are not needed.
Oct 19, 2:33pm
so as you are in the pump rebuilding trade should the op be putting the crud that intrade keeps pushing be good to hear your thoughts on this
Oct 19, 2:48pm
hi my thoughts are yes people should use an additive in diesel, it does help to keep the pump seals better lubed low sulpher etc in our diesel but u dont need to go overboard with it, i normally tell customers to add a little 2 stroke oil evey now and again when doing a tank fill, i use moreys in my boat when doing a major full up 1000 ltrs plus and give my tanks a dose, but in a boat u have sweating etc over the hotter months = mosture in tanks hope this helps,
Oct 19, 3:23pm
There are heaps of idiots in here Akfuel, don't be put off giving advice because of them.
I agree with you, an occasional additive is enough. I will endorse your method of checking for oil in the fuel too, with the provision that it is not always easy to see the discolouration.
In all diagnostics people, we should do the simplest tests first if there is no known common faults. Jumping to the conclusion that it's glowplugs etc , which are difficult to diagnose without knowing what voltage they are, how long and what temps their controllers are meant to operate under etc is a silly thing to do. To try and talk someone that doesn't know what or how it all works, or how current and voltage relate to one-other, is even sillier.
The first and simplest test in this case is to try pumping up the low pressure side of the pump BEFORE trying to crank the motor, not during, not after cranking it, both of which could drive air into the injector pipes.
Oct 19, 3:31pm
One more question same for big gear never used it myself had the leaky thing happen in an old van put the correct seals in hasn't had another problem but didn't have the problem in new vans according to some on here the common rail is no good but thats probably because they have no idea thanks for your input and no intrade I wont be buying your gunk
Oct 19, 3:38pm
thanks for your comments, mechnificent, most gear driven injector pumps like the 4m40 misty and nissan td23-27 will shown oil in diesel filter if the problem has been going on long enough , your comments on priming the hand primer before starting is spot on i never mentioned it as someone else already had, also just to note so people dont get confused u wont show oil in the filter on belt driven pumps cheers phill
Oct 19, 3:56pm
splinter i dont sell any additive my self i just inform people that if they dont ever use any additive in the fuel they will pay for it and that goes for commonrails also there is plenty seals on cr pumps to shrink and they all shrink even viton seals get destroyed by batches of fuel that was treated with loads of hydrogen , Using 2 stroke oil would be ok but i cant recommend it as it is not made for a diesel additive, its why i only recommend the brands that i have used any my clients used. flashlube seald a dripping lucas pump on a pug within 1 day half a liter in the tank . Of course it would not have leaked to geginn with if he had used some additive every now and then before it had shrunk the seals so bad that the pump started dripping. plus you cant see the wear of a pump untill it is to late no additive will fix a worn pump.
Oct 19, 4:09pm
nowback to the payero, i would also make sure it actuarly glows when it finished glowing you put your finger on the glowplug stems you should feal them warm if they are not then its probably not glowed the system possibly a cracked wire somwhere where it glows at times and then not would be typical for mitsubishi to do this. so rule that out also .
Oct 19, 4:24pm
tip in a tin of compression with the fuel
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