As a dealer selling a race car

curlcrown, Oct 10, 11:43pm
Would the CGA apply! As a racing car could reasonbly be expected to crap itself at any moment as they are thrashed to the limit constantly.

bitsy_boffin, Oct 10, 11:56pm
Yes the CGA applies (assuming not sold at auction, and not sold to business).

Just how far it applies, is a matter for the courts.

nzeva, Oct 11, 12:03am
+1 You'll find that people with race cars sell them business to business or privately to avoid complications from the CGA.
The FTA still applies in business sales, so the vehicle has to be described correctly.don't say it was owned by Stirling Moss if it wasn'
The FTA doesn't apply to private sales.

chook90, Oct 11, 5:27am
Given that manufacturers can void warranty if a vehicle has been used for competition purposes would the same not apply in this case.
I can just imagine some numpty over revving a race car, poking a leg out of bed and claiming the dealer shafted him.or worse that the air conditioning was not functioning.

saki, Oct 11, 10:51pm
can of worms here.

rsr72, Oct 11, 10:53pm
The traditional threat of a broken arm would usually fix things.

gman35, Oct 11, 11:07pm
Compulsory CGA is bollocks , anyone (private or dealer) should be able to sell anything at any price , regardless of new or used , without a guarantee providing it is clearly aknowledged (signed) by buyer. If I am happy to buy something as cheap as possible , with no possible warranty issue comeback whatsoever for the seller , why not !

robotix1970, Oct 11, 11:15pm
umm! excuse me for forgetting but what does CGA mean

rsr72, Oct 11, 11:20pm
-Consumer Guarantee Act.

tigra, Oct 12, 3:39pm
Simple - just sign a piece of paper absolving the seller of any claims.

tgray, Oct 12, 3:54pm
I agree that's the way is SHOULD be, but that's not the way the law is.

tgray, Oct 12, 3:55pm
Not that simple.
No contracting out of the CGA, even if both parties agree to.

woki, Oct 12, 5:14pm
A few years ago from the dealership I sold a SSS SR20 DEt bluebird that had loads of mods and went like a cut cat . The very next weekend at the Wanganui (Heads rd) drags the owner cracks a piston after winding the boost up to 20lbs .
Monday him and his Mum are wanting their money back and talking court and disputes tribunal .
It happens .
I didnt give them nought , I sympathised but not my fault .
Never got to court , as they learned they had broken it through abuse , it didnt break itself .
Sell your race car as that "A race car" . Set up for the track and built for racing purposes only !