Dealer warranties

krisbop, Oct 23, 10:45pm
Hi, I bought a car about two months ago from a dealer in auck.
It has since had a few issues almost immediately after I bought it, I informed them of the problems.
They sold me an auto sure warranty at the same time and fob me off saying go through warranty, at $300 excess per item and 3 things wrong I am not willing to pay that.
Is the dealer supposed to fix these things as I am 100% sure they were pre existing.
Any info would be great.

rovercitroen, Oct 23, 10:55pm
Most GOOD dealers would help you. Some will pay the excess for you.

dent, Oct 23, 10:58pm
the dealer can not force you to use the warranty. Some dealer think by selling you warranty's they get out of there commitments under the CGA. This is far from true and as rover said a good dealer wil come to the party some how.

krisbop, Oct 23, 11:02pm
Thanks very much, is it just a good faith thing but they don't actually have to fix if they don't want to!
The problems are minor but very irritating and if I new it had the probs I would not have bought it. I bought from a dealer because I thought it would be covered for 3 months if any problems came up.
One is electrical other is a leak.

phillip.weston, Oct 23, 11:02pm
having the warranty doesn't mean they can contract out of the consumers guarantees act. They should at the very least be paying for the excess on the items. The warranty should really only be worth it when the CGA no longer covers the car (in my eyes that should be 6-12 months after date of purchase on a used car).

krisbop, Oct 23, 11:08pm
That's exactly why I bought the warranty, so down the track I'm covered not because I wanted to let the dealer off the hook should something go wrong straight away

splinter67, Oct 23, 11:12pm
hopefully kaz or carsoftauranga will come and give a dealers point of veiw on this but it dont sound right to me what sort of leak is it water oil or leaking into the interior

krisbop, Oct 23, 11:14pm
Coolant leak, they say because it was passed through vtnz that it was not pre exsisting, however it always left a puddle and I thought it was sitcom but now much worse goes through a L every few days

krisbop, Oct 23, 11:15pm
Air con, not sitcom

chebry, Oct 23, 11:38pm
Coolant leaks arent a warrant issue take it back tell the dealer the car is not fit for the purpose you bought it for.

carstauranga001, Oct 24, 1:23am
I am an Autosure dealer too. I would pay the excess on any claim within a reasonable time after the sale. Two months is very reasonable. Perhaps call Autosure head office in Takapuna and let them know how the dealer is treating you. They would like to hear if a dealer is selling warranties on cars with pre existing defects then passing the buck to Autosure.

If this dealer is an MTA member you can call the MTA and get free legal advise. However, bearing in mind your treatment to date I doubt they are MTA members.

krisbop, Oct 24, 1:26am
Thank you for that I will certainly try to find out

carstauranga001, Oct 24, 1:29am
See if they are an MTAember here.

carstauranga001, Oct 24, 1:29am
See if they are an MTA member here.

kazbanz, Oct 24, 1:32am
krisbop -300 excess suggests its a european car.A coolant leak in my view is not a "minor" issue especially if its dropping a l of water every few days.
WITHOUT QUESTIONthis issue should be rectified at the dealers expense.
Assuming it wasn't sold at auction.
Im also an Autosure dealer and second the sentiment exppressed by CT

carstauranga001, Oct 24, 1:42am
Excess options on Japas $100, $200 or $300 mate. Euros are either $350 or $450. He's sold the high excess to lower his cost. I'd be interested in the price charged for the warranty.

krisbop, Oct 24, 3:25am
It's a euro Audi fsi, must be $350 excess. I'm going to sort this out tomorrow and demand they fix, thanks very much for all the info most appreciated

krisbop, Oct 24, 3:28am
Not mta registered. Bugger

carstauranga001, Oct 24, 3:33am
You're welcome, keep us posted.

n1smo_gtir, Oct 24, 3:37am
where n who is this dealer OP so others know to avoid them.

kazbanz, Oct 24, 5:38pm
krisbop -is said dealer by any chance on railside ave!

bmc460, Oct 24, 6:37pm
I got a 2 grands worth of work done under warrenty and never paid any excess.

aktow, Oct 26, 11:11am
i know two car dealers,, when they have cars that have faulty transmissions or other expensive repairs they strongly advisethe buyer to buy a warranty,, they say if there is a problem ring back in a week.i was told they say a week because the warranty comes active in a week.