Speeding through road works

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austingtir, Oct 28, 8:01am
Jeez if you were passed by 12 seperate vehicles within 200metres of road you must begin to wonder weather its actually dangerous to not travel over the posted sign limit.Some roadworks speed limits are set a bit low mate.Im sure all these people must of been on there way home from work and probably drive that route every day so you gotta wonder if its that big a deal.Just be glad you didnt get a stone in your windscreen i reckon.It is annoying getting stuck behind some nana that thinks they are going to skid off the road at the first sign of a gravel road aswell.

trogedon, Oct 28, 9:15am
Ph Porse Childcare and tell them about her bad driving. It'll come back to haunt her (hopefully)

trogedon, Oct 28, 9:22am
Here in West Akd there are major roadworks on a main road (Bruce McLaren). We cruise through at 20-30kph. I've yet to see anyone exceeding that. Conversely although we hardly drive on the motorway between Te Atatu and Lincoln road we're one of the few cars doing the posted 70kph.

n1smo_gtir, Oct 28, 9:25am
speed limit is speed limit. just cos 12 all chose to to break the speed limit, does that make it right! 12 wrongs still don't make a right.

socram, Oct 28, 9:37am
Two sides to this as noted above.Often the signs are indeed left out too long, but equally, the areas are not well policed either.

Try speeding through roadworks in the UK and see what happens.They usually have speed cameras built into the signswhich may or may not be working (and often they even tell you when they are not working!)but most are, and the traffic slows to exactly the posted limit, especially on motorways.

We can't see what is going on behind the barriers so you can't assume there isn't a danger of some sort. I also get hacked off when people ignore them and I have slowed.

stevo2, Oct 28, 5:18pm
The roadworkers have a right to a "Safe Working Enviroment". Just like you or me.

resolutionx, Oct 28, 5:32pm
No safe place to park, if they did you could argue with a good case that the police were causing a greater hazard than going 10km over the speed limit.

I drive through there everyday and have people passing me (I do 40km) but with the real rough road surface (it is so crap, pot holes huge bumps/uneveness etc.) from the roadworks you can't do more than 40km with out damaging your car!

studio1, Oct 28, 9:51pm
The problem with many drivers is the "I'm in a real hurry so I will go whatever speed, wherever, to get to my destination in time". It's simple impatience.
I have never understood people's need to be in such a rush. I often ask myself if these speeders are on their way to a fire.
I always slow to the posted speed on any road - especially at roadworks - and I often get impatient w@nkers up my rear end, trying to make me go faster - or alternatively pulling out and passing me at some insane speed.
I've almost had people rear-end me because I have slowed down for the signs, and a lot of them don't seem to understand that the signs are in force whether it is day or night.

Times like these I'd love to have red and blue lights and a siren and pull these clowns over to ask what their bloody problem is.
Invariably the speeders are in late model vehicles - SUVs, 4x4s, Commodores and Falcons. Too much power, too much of a hurry.

The sooner cops start using mobile fixed speed cameras at these roadworks sites and pinging the idiots the better.

studio1, Oct 28, 9:56pm
Just what we need, although if he can afford a flash Landrover, then a couple of hundred dollars in fines is nothing and he'll just do it again.

wrong2, Oct 28, 10:11pm
i object

we ALL KNOW that taking money off the road user is what keeps our roads safe

if we didnt have fines, we would be having hundreds of fatal car crashes EVERY YEAR . . . . . . . . .

trogedon, Oct 28, 10:19pm
I've been riding my bicycle through roadworks at 30kph (+) and vehicles just have to pass me. "Can't let the dickhead on the pushbike in his wanky lycra be in front of us, even if he is doing the speed limit." (Invented sentence from non existent drivers with no reference to persons living or dead.)

wrong2, Oct 28, 10:26pm
imagine how they boil when you get across traffic lights while they are stuck still

oh wait - you dont have to imagine what those comments are!

you can read them here on a weekly basis :-)

ferrit47, Oct 28, 10:37pm
People are so igorant & very impaitent.

mileyfan73, Oct 29, 12:39am
Ho-motorcyclists are the worst.Though had to laugh yesterday when one overtook me in a 30km/h zone then two k up the road he had been pulled over.clever cop had been sitting in a lay-by at the end of the road works.

marte, Oct 29, 3:03am
Thats it!

johnf_456, Oct 29, 3:06am
Yip, not to mention chipped windscreens and bumpers on our pride and joy.

nightsky1, Oct 29, 4:09am
Try working as a road worker for a day and we'll see if you are still so ignorant.

harold651, Nov 16, 6:05pm
in auckland a lot of the traffic issues would be solved by keeping left.
remember the road code! "keep left unless overtaking"
once the manouvre is complete, pull into the left lane again.

people hark on about speed in areas when if they followed the rest of the road rules others wouldn't be so bothered

and if you are so concerned about blocking these so called speeders, if you let them pass you, they will be going faster when they get caught by the cops or speed camera, therefore potential loss of licence, or at least a larger fine.

raymond00001, Nov 16, 7:43pm
Probably leased company vehicles so they don't have to worry about stone chips and tar etc

ema1, Nov 16, 10:15pm
Had several cars overtake me while I was doing the posted speed limit in the middle of roadworks about 3/4km long the other day when I was heading through on my delivery run through Northern Southland and Fiordland, guess what, just around a blind bend were 3 Police cars in a wide and quite roomy stretchroughly about the middle of these roadworks that were by the way well signed with 30km/h sign boards etc and one way part controlled by lights near the bendand all of the speeders that overtook me were bailed up and being dealt to and there was 2 more that I didn't see at the start of the "pulled up" line and also 2 cars pulled over coming from the opposite direction so the "boys in blue"were busy I can tell you, plus there was this innocent looking car parked off the road at the bend apex which I noticed had a radar unit in it so it was a well set up arrangement they had going down there.
Serves them right, dangerous clowns, funny thing of the dozen or so cars that were lined up 3 were BMW cars plus a BMW4WD thing 1 was an Audi coupe and the rest were mostly Jap/Korean and there was even a Commodore HSV as well, so a real mix there all going for it. I just carried on at posted speed being waved on through the congestion, I had a smile on my face a mile wide for sure. Stupid thing though some of these idiots overtook me again several kms further down the highway going like "cut cats." You've got to wonder at the mentality these days of a big % of drivers. Safer to fly and cheaper too if going a distance I reckon, well I can't be bothered contending with idiots on the road when on holiday times in particular. Either that or I don't go at all !

neville48, Nov 16, 10:26pm
Do what they do in Oz and USA, double fines for speeding thru roadworks. In USA big signs at all roadworks; injure or kill a worker $15000.00 fine and 10 years in gaol.[jail here]. The prices change and so does the time for different states but the double fine is an excellent idea.

ema1, Nov 16, 10:32pm
Tends to suggest NZ is a nanny state which it pretty much is actually.I for one would be in favour of something similar to whats stated in this above post. Only thing we haven't got enough jail space for these idiots have we, but we can most certainly cater for the fine $$$ in our coffers. Pity the judiciary in this country just don't want to "comply" with what is the norm overseas.

trogedon, Nov 17, 7:08am
That's the longest post I've seen from you in a while. A worthwhile read too.

ema1, Nov 17, 12:27pm
Happens now and then troggie, just had to get the whole story as I saw it happen, cops were on the ball I can tell ya.
Good on em, hope they busted em all!

ema1, Nov 17, 12:27pm
Happens now and then troggie, just had to tell the whole story as I saw it happen while still fresh in my mind, cops were on the ball I can tell ya.
Good on em, hope they busted em all!