Speeding through road works

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oddbits, Nov 18, 12:25am
whats it matter its not like there is anyone working in the weekemds, its a never ending roadworks zone wonder if theyll ever finish it

rallybaz, Nov 18, 1:12am
I'm guilty of going a bit quick through a 30k zone in north canterbury in the work van, but this was after the seal work was finished, and the contractors had all packed up and gone home. the 30k signs were beingremoved at the time I got caught by a hidden cop, and were gone about 10 minutes afterwards.
Because all work was done and no one was on site, the public had been going through there at 100km all day, assuming the signs meant nothing at that time.
I slowed to 80k but this was not enough to save me, I am Very careful now.