Purchased a car of a dealer, it's gearbox ate itself after 18months. He said bring it in and he will fix it. That was 3 and 1/2 months ago. To his credit he has given us a loan car, which is old and horrible to drive. How long is considered a fair enough time to fix a car. First he was going to replace the gearbox, but reckons he cannot find one. Now he is going to make it a 2wd. I'm getting angry thinking about it.
Nov 8, 1:39pm
if the car is a toyota Vitz then I'd say you have fair reason to be upset. If its a fiat multipla then he may very well be telling the truth. It really is hard to offer help or advice without knowing the vehicle
Nov 8, 2:14pm
mazda capella 4wd 1997 GVER
Nov 8, 2:47pm
It's not so much the process, it's the amount of time he has had it. We're paying for a car we are not using.
Nov 8, 3:37pm
whilst i would agree its certainly taking time as others have said (A) decent hes even repairing it after 18 months unless you have some sort of company warrenty on it(B) would say that yes it would be hard to get a replacement box for a 4wd one of those (C) maybe they are getting it fixed
Nov 8, 6:44pm
You're lucky he's willing to do anything on a car that old after such a long time.
Nov 8, 7:02pm
+1. Sounds like a great dealer.
Nov 8, 9:40pm
nek minnit
Nov 9, 12:11pm
At his cost! you are mistaken, he will be charging, hence the query.
Nov 9, 12:11pm
He is charging
Nov 9, 12:23pm
Right, so if he hasn't done it, uplift the car and go elsewhere. The fact he is a dealer and you bought the car from him is irrelevant.
Nov 9, 1:20pm
The gearbox is in pieces in his workshop
Nov 9, 1:24pm
18 months is a long time.
Nov 9, 1:47pm
Maybe try ringing around & see if you can find a gearbox for it. You might have better luck.
Nov 9, 1:59pm
Believe it or not I have tried this avenue to no avail
Nov 9, 2:50pm
Because a mechanic can be a registered car dealer
Nov 9, 3:23pm
Well - as for the consumer rights parts, after 18 months, you could ask to just pay for the stripping and assessing and leave it at that, or you can pay to have it made 2wd, obviously thats the gearbox they can find for it. If they can't source a 4wd box or parts to fix, that's not their fault and you just have to lump it for buying an oddball vehicle. You should be grateful they offered a loan car, thats a nice bit of goodwill that they didn't have to do, regardless of whether you bought it off them or not
Nov 9, 9:07pm
As i mentioned, 'to his credit he loaned us a car'. I was just merely asking what a fair turnaround for a repair would be. It just seems rank that we are still paying for a vehicle that we are not using. http://www.consumer.org.nz/reports/car-buyers-rights
Nov 9, 9:18pm
Why did you post that link! it has nothing to do with your situation. What is a fair turnaround! No straight answer when dealing with an oddball car. Lets look at the options. Neither the repairer nor yourself could find a replacement gearbox so cant replace. that leaves two options - repair current gearbox or fit 2wd gearbox. So I presume you will be paying for the repairs - so what have you authorised the repairer to do! Maybe he is waiting for YOUR go ahead to complete repairs. If parts aren't available then maybe you'll just have to go with a 2wd. I'm sure you've already been through this with the repairer so what have you told him to do!
edited to add - it makes no difference if you are paying a vehicle off or not, any vehicle can break down at any time
Nov 9, 10:21pm
Before anyone can offer you advice you really do need to explain this statement. Have you purchased a car from a car dealership or from a mechanic that sells a few cars on the side! Why if he is repairing the car under warranty would you be paying for the repairs!
Nov 9, 10:27pm
Didn't state the car was under warranty. I will be charged for a service that he is supplying. We have discussed the 2wd option and that is a go ahead, it has been for the last month. My query, and I know it's subjective, was what is a fair timeframe!
Nov 9, 10:41pm
Techno In THIS situation really then its about the time its taken to fix the car. I'm guessingthat you are not prepared to pay the $3-4 thousand to have a transmission company rebuild the broken components. So the MECHANIC has been trying to source you a replacement second hand gearbox. Given that in fact YOU haven't yourself been successful must surely tell you the MECHANIC is indeed doing his very best to repair your car within YOUR budget. On that basis given you have been given a loan car to drive i'd say the time frame is reasonable
Nov 9, 11:33pm
Thanks for the help there mate
Feb 14, 9:46am
Thanks for that, probably the best opinion and advice that has been given.
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