I brought a new bonnet for my car but dont know how I can get it unless I drive with no bonnet on
Nov 4, 12:58am
Yep. But depending on how far ya have to go try ya luck.
Nov 4, 12:59am
from pukekohe to glen glenfield
Nov 4, 12:59am
from pukekohe to glenfield
Nov 4, 1:03am
just dont drive in the rain
Nov 4, 1:05am
so its legal if u dont get caught haha =p
Nov 4, 1:09am
I got pulled over by a cop cause i didnt have one,he just checked my wof and rego and then let me go.
Nov 4, 1:12am
well the vls legal
Nov 4, 1:55am
My thoughts on this is along as no one can get caught in the belts it was fine. Spose there's nothing you could do about the heat with people getting burnt but they shouldn't be going over the car when your moving lol
Nov 4, 1:16am
sure is,had to get a hole cut in the bonnet for the air filter.
Nov 4, 1:19am
In the dark, who's going to know!
Nov 4, 1:22am
Yes, until you remove the bonnet. Then it automatically becomes.illegal.
Nov 4, 1:51am
That cop that stopped me didnt think so.
Nov 4, 1:54am
This is the reasons for rejections under external projections. Condition and performance
1. The risk of a component (Note 5) hooking a vehicle, or hooking or grazing a person, has not been minimised, eg a bonnet or bumper has been removed, exposing sharp, moving or hot components.
Nov 4, 2:04am
Explain to me how all the T buckets and No-Bonnet hot rods get a WOF then, model T's all had bonnets when produced ! Do tell.
Nov 4, 2:17am
Perhaps its the same way that they dont need rear mudgaurds!
Nov 4, 2:23am
No , you have to have a fender exemption for that and cannot get a fender exemption for any vehicle body after 1934.
Nov 4, 2:32am
you can get certs for no bonnet for modified cars but in your case cant you get the bonnet another way!
Nov 4, 4:47am
Why not just drive to the new bonnet, then remove the old one and fit the new one!
Nov 4, 4:53am
Uumm, "wonders what to do with old bonnet"(o:
Nov 4, 12:54pm
Hide it behind a hedge and bugger off home. Seriously though, I'd just do it and hope that any cop that pulled you over was reasonable about it.
Nov 4, 1:03pm
Just do it.If you get stopped act dumb.Cops are used to 105% of the population being dumb so shouldn't cause any problem at all.
Nov 4, 1:57pm
I remember driving my mini years ago with a large piece of corrugated cardboard duct taped where the bonnet should have been. It kept the rain out on the way to the wreckers to get another one.
Nov 4, 2:39pm
Just give the local cops a ring & explaine the situaton that you have no other means of getting it. I had a similar situation once. Needed to get my unwarranted bike to learner centre to get my license, so i could then legally ride to to get a WOF. They appreciated my call, noted the dates & time, gave me his direct dial number & said if I get picked up then get them to call the direct dial number & that it would all be sweet providing I hadn't done something dumb in the process. They were very obliging & said they wished more people would do it.
Nov 4, 5:45pm
What a load of PC garbage.
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