you blasphemous heathen .GOD wrote this in the book of V.I.R.M .GOD = N.Z.T.A.
Nov 4, 7:47pm
Yep like backup5 says.
It is illegal to drive without a bonnet.
You can get a car (well you used to be able to but discouraged now) certed for no bonnet; moving parts must be covered and no sharp projections etc.
Nov 5, 12:11am
Fold it up and throw it in the recycling on your way home.
Nov 5, 1:27am
So a piece of cardboardthat stops direct contact with the moving fan etc., and the top of the radiator complies!
Nov 5, 1:27am
So a piece of cardboardthat stops direct contact with the moving fan and the top of the radiator etc. complies!
Nov 5, 1:51am
Well, no. You have now altered the way the vehicle was manufactured so this piece of cardboard will now need to be certified.
Nov 5, 2:22am
If it was a late model car where would the problem be. geez ya open the bonnet and its all plastic covers. hardly a pointy bit ot be seen really. if ya got hit at 40kph it would prob act as a scoop and stop ya falling off the bonnet (if in place) and hitting that hrd arse road causing more injury. and no doubt getting run ovr twice as the poor driver that hit stomps the go pedal instead of the brake. Win win really.
Nov 6, 6:27pm
its legal, its not stuctural, just not the norm so might attract attention, just smile and say hi.
Nov 7, 3:08pm
I don't know about bonnets but sideways or backwards baseball caps should be illegal.
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