Parts expense!Not sure what you're on about. No different to any thing elsein fact alot of bits quite cheap. I've owned a lot of Subarus keep them well serviced no problem. I guess the problems arise when you're average ignorant owner buys a performance car and drives the shit out of it.Obviously you personally have had a bad experience . Stick to boring reliability. Thought my stroker com was fast till I rode in an almost standard STI.
Nov 13, 12:05am
I recently owned a boring Subaru, suck gas shit yeah only 1800cc you had to thrash it to stay with traffic it cornered ok nothing flash it was on its second trans the original grenaded and cost the then owner 6k to revive it was just out of warranty a near new car I had few problems with it most involved undoing what a garage had been doing and fix it properly it was a good car for 350,000 kms on it , it was a great car reliable! only if you knew how to fix it at least weekly, Economical, normal was 13l/100km best was 10l/100kms being very gentle. putting your foot down in it only made more noise acceleration was glacial. NO Subaru has ever overtaken my Citroen diesel even in a straight line.
Nov 13, 12:33pm
they were prob too busy winding they windows up to save themselves from the black smoke in front of them
Nov 13, 12:42pm
No goober Subarus do not corner welland in reality are not very fast have you driven either! thought not.
Nov 13, 1:23pm
yeah good one, thats why they routinely beat v8s in reviews eh. Sounds like some subaru beat you in your pushrod v8 and your having a cry.
Nov 13, 2:21pm
I've got an old xr8 (pushrod :) and when I used to drive stupid (10 yrs ago) I always nailed the old twin turbo legacys - they are slow.
Nov 13, 2:23pm
I love v8s for there sound but as far as handling and power give me a turbo suby awd.
Nov 13, 9:27pm
They weren't the rsk b4 models I bet
Nov 13, 9:44pm
The old twin turbo legacys up to '98.
Nov 13, 9:50pm
You started driving when you were 3, well done (o:
Nov 14, 12:17am
yeah I have driven both. Having said that, if I could afford the R8 I drove a few months ago, I would not have a Subaru, but it did cost near as much as a shit house so I would never own. My workmate was rather disappointed in his SS holden after having a ride in a standard STi WRX.
Nov 14, 12:29am
Hi dud Im back pity you still haven't learned any thing while Ive been away I will give some advice stop talking crap B4 subs don't have carbs they have injectors starting to sound like the offset wheel debacle
Nov 14, 12:31am
Aren't we funny
Nov 14, 12:48am
if you get 8 /10 ks per litre your doing very well and that would be highway driving if your worried about economy dont buy a sub they are not economical by any means
Nov 14, 2:57am
450kms per tank , driving reasonably. Had one for years
Nov 14, 3:02am
What a blowhard comment, even for here. Betcha I could wipe the floor with ya let alone the boyracers pushing 350kw plus
Nov 14, 12:06pm
Citroen Diesel V8, You need to learn a few facts. aboutthose turdalicious little crap carts, NSW Police were supplied Subaru WRXs for city pursuit only why! because on a freeway anything can outpace a Subaru as for cornering they arent too bad certainly the best of the Japcrap but against a well sorted Euro hatch, fark off even the Prodrive 555 team found Citroens too fast to catch.
Nov 14, 12:08pm
You are the blowarse king goob, if I stick too the speed limit on HWY5 your much vaunted Subarus cant keep up.
Nov 14, 12:23pm
Just to point out the fuel economy thing I get 5L/100kms meaning my 52L tank is good for 1000kms I think you Subaru sucks gas the fact that none ever pass me tells me their blistering performance is mythical too and the dozens that hold me up on round abouts with their fartcans and dud wheels and go fast accoutrements tells me they dont do corners very well either Ive driven a Subaru at way too fast and it was ok it was awesome on gravel, but could it stay with my current car! NO not with all the turbos it could carry. The rear wheel steering blasts my car around corners at velocities Subaru drivers only dream about.
Nov 14, 12:36pm
Pity your not on chch, there used to be a guy just like you except he had a super charged Holden, he was all balls until someone actually took him up on the offer of a drag. Is that you Scotty!
Nov 14, 1:37pm
rear wheel steering,that is cool, or have you not found the forward gears yet!
Nov 14, 3:24pm
The problem is chebry, you're driving a Citroen. It might be a fast Citroen, but it's still a Citroen.
Nov 14, 3:31pm
yeah rally cars have a lot to do with road cars. Oh and WRX STI's are faster than most cars on the road, particularly for the price, so stop your fanboyism. Them, and the mitsi evos are very quick.
Nov 14, 3:32pm
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, sounds more like driver error.
Nov 14, 3:47pm
In a nutshell. If you're concerned about fuel economy you shouldn't be looking at this type of car.
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