Purchased car which has major fault

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supernova2, Nov 26, 1:21am
Sounds to me as if you are as bad as the dealer.you come on here asking for advice and then pack a poo when it is suggested that you should actually take a bit of interest in regular maintenance.

As others have said if you had checked the oil you would have found that perhaps it wasn't properly filled up at the service (Mistakes do happen you know) or that perhaps your car does use a bit of oil over 3 months(and who knows how many kms).

Whatever the cause i think you will be pushing it up hill with a wet paper bag trying to blame the dealer.Dealer will simply say that its been serviced by Toyota and its their fault.Toyota will say not our fault it was a dud before we touched it and oops sorry we didnt point that fact out to you but we thought we already knew you had purchased a POS.And they will both say how come it took you that long to notice.

Good luck.

trdbzr, Nov 26, 1:23am
Ok you should still be covered by CGA, so the dealer will have to get your car fixed. If the dealer fails to do it, then you can take it up with MVDT. But be sure to have written correspondence from the dealer rather than verbal. In the future you should be checking all the fluid levels at least once a week in your car.

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 1:29am
how many kms have you done since you purchased!

skiff1, Nov 26, 2:23am
Ok, but my engine has oil in it so I guess I am entitled to feel a little bit smug. You stick with your system and well see who's vehicle lasts longer.

theram1, Nov 26, 2:33am
carubagirl gave up at 8.00pm, the fun is over, wait until she has a few, posts a question again and the fun will be on.

carubagirl, Nov 26, 2:34am
Intelligence at last thank you

alan1111, Nov 26, 2:35am
lmao A grade mechanic here hmm when did i last check my oil. Must do it in the morning.

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 2:41am
How many km's have you travelled since you purchased! Oil doesn't magically disappear. if there are no leaks and the back of your car isn't a black mess, you have either done enough km's to use the oil in normal consuption, or the oil wasn't filled to the correct level in the first place.
So how many km's!

carubagirl, Nov 26, 2:50am

carubagirl, Nov 26, 2:52am
My thoughts exactly but couldn't be bothered posting on inane comments

incar., Nov 26, 2:58am
suggestion, these vehicle's dont normally burn oil, so since its been serviced just monitor the consumption over the next month, chances are the seller's mechanic used cheap/wrong oil

tonyoverbeek, Nov 26, 2:59am
get some nano energizer for your car and it will stop burning oil-problem solved.

skull, Nov 26, 3:04am
I'm struggling with no leaks and no smoke but you're using over a litre of oil per 1000km, where can that quantity of oil vanish to. Which engine is it, 2.4 litre or 3.5 litre!

ralphdog1, Nov 26, 3:05am
Don't be silly, that would involve the dipstick being used, that has already been discounted as an option.

incar., Nov 26, 3:06am
its more common than you think, dealers cutting corners looking for the cheapest mechanic. with them comes the shit oil

skull, Nov 26, 3:08am
Shit oil still smokes when it burns or drips when it leaks though.

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 3:15am
Hmmm maybe it just wasn't filled to the correct level. I would say do an oil change now and check the oil level each week and see if it goes down.

carubagirl, Nov 26, 3:20am
Have got an oil consumption check in place by garage, only prob it's done at every 1000ks, so that is going to take some time, also checking the oil level myself once a week

incar., Nov 26, 3:20am
yes and no, drips of course

carubagirl, Nov 26, 3:21am

llortmt, Nov 26, 3:22am
My thoughts exactly.

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 3:32am
Great stuff, you might find there is no issue at all, just incorrectly filled (hopefully) update us when you have it resolved, would be suprised if there is actually a fault with the motor

carubagirl, Nov 26, 3:36am
Thanks to those who have posted helpful comments, hopefully I can get it sorted before Xmas.

carubagirl, Nov 26, 3:37am
Keeping fingers & toes firmly crossed

carubagirl, Nov 26, 3:45am
Always had Toyota's & never had a prob, have already got your suggestion in place, totally paranoid now.