Purchased car which has major fault

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incar., Nov 26, 3:49am
dont be, this will be the case, come back after a month and let us know the out come, i see it all the time

sleuth, Nov 26, 4:39am
The invoice states 4 litres of oil.

A rough guide for a 2.4 L Toyota with filter is 5.5L


I tend to think it was underfilled in the first place.

oakie, Nov 26, 12:01pm
I may have missed it but how many kms had the car done when you purchased it! also given that this is a car you didn't know anything about waiting 3 mths before checking oil is just woeful!

xpfairmont, Nov 26, 12:25pm
Most don't, what is this the 1960's!

gadgit3, Nov 26, 12:44pm
That link is for a 2RZ and 5VZ fitted to a Surf.
The 2AZ as fitted to Camry / Blade is 4.3L

gadgit3, Nov 26, 12:44pm
That link is for a 2RZ and 5VZ. and it's and american Tecoma site. Tecoma is and American Hilux

The 2AZ as fitted to Camry / Blade is 4.3L dry fill

rpvr, Nov 26, 1:24pm
And you charge people to maintain their cars! Unbelieveable!

kazbanz, Nov 26, 1:34pm
Untill such time as its established that the correct ammount of oil was put in there are still other possibilities.
Unfortunately by not checking the oil level yourself whgen you got the car home ALL senarios are purely hypothetical.

gadgit3, Nov 26, 2:06pm
4L of oil charged would be the norm for this engine. In some cases 4.2L when you can let them drain for a long period. This would not be the first case of oil consumsion from a 2AZ engine in an import. I suspect it has not been serviced in Japan at all and the oil rings are sludged up. The ones I have come across were burning round 1 to 2L per 1000kms and did not display smoke out rear but had a film of oil on rear screen. One was fixed with Forte engine flush. the other engine replacment.

kazbanz, Nov 26, 2:23pm
Hey gadgit-Im not argueing your logic for a second.
MY point is that regardless of the correct quantity -2.0l,3.0l 4.0 l or 15l if THAT ammount wasn't put in to start with then theres a problem.
Also the OP says they ttravelled only 1900km in three months.
Crikey thats a LOT of oil to loose past oil rings.
Isn't that like about 10ml a km!

doug207, Nov 26, 2:53pm
I'd be listening to Kaz here. No point speculating until you know for a fact that it's burning/losing it and not just being under-filled.

It's also not too uncommon for the rear main seal to say goodbye, so you may have a swimming gearbox.

gadgit3, Nov 26, 3:17pm
Check the numbers for sure so as you know you are in the right.
But just from the facts given, buy a car low engine oil. Have the car serviced then after 3 months the oil light starts to flash on when cornering. if the engine oil was left low to start with then you would see the oil light on while going round corners the day after pulling out from the service agent.
Just on a side note I own a 3cyl Daihatsh Mira that I picked up cheap and yet to fix up but it will use 1L of oil return trip from Hamilton thats about 180km and displays smoke only when engine is cold for a few mins then clears. Rings are gummed up on only one cylinder (low compression)
Dosn't take much to use alot of oil.

carubagirl, Nov 26, 7:12pm
So is this a little obscure & wouldn't be picked up on a pre Vehicle Inspection Report!

gadgit3, Nov 26, 7:29pm
Correct. It's a little hard to pick up oil consumsion during a inspection.

kazbanz, Nov 26, 9:14pm
hey gadgit Im NOT for a second saying I am right. Im saying its a possible cause that is worth looking in to. If the OP had checked the oil level when they got home it would have removed even a hint of doubt.
Incidently Ive sold a LOT of toyota product with that 2.4l engine and this is the first time Ive heard of consumption issues.
Is this a Blade specific issue or are you saying all the later model 2.4 toyotas have the issue!

headcat, Nov 26, 11:50pm
Porsche factory spec for oil consumption is 1l per 1000 km. Why should you expect much better!

supernova2, Nov 26, 11:57pm
I don't know of any internal combusion engine that does not consume some oil whilst running.If it didn't it would seize or wear out simple as that.I still think it was an underfill and that if OP checked her car even occassionaly she would have found it long ago.However as someone else pointed out if it was that low from the start the light should have been on.Perhaps it was low which has caused the oil to overheat and thus burn a bit more than usual and after 1900km it got low enough to show the light.

skiff1, Nov 27, 1:29am
its ok, mech don't have to check as they can fix it before that have to admit their fault!

skiff1, Nov 27, 1:33am
did engines get cheaper since 1960, or just cope better with no oil! As long as cars need lubrication, it is I the interest of the vehicles owner to check the oil.

gadgit3, Nov 27, 2:18am
Nope not saying this is a blade fault or e ven a 2az fault. It's a lack of oil change fault. I have seen it in more then a few toyota engines and other makes. Seen two engines now that have cracked valves from heavy oil consumsion.

xpfairmont, Nov 27, 3:34am
Actually, they do cope better when low on oil compared to ones built 40+ years ago. Check once a week to a month depending on use. But every day! What kind of crap are you driving! lol

mugenb20b, Nov 27, 12:41pm
A Porsche.what! One of those ancient air cooled ones!

splinter67, Nov 27, 1:05pm
Its called preventive maintenance not many do it thats why all these type of threads are appearing with moaners complaining my car has broken down it must be someonefault but I didnt cause it. NZ is going down the gurgler because of this attitude. Man up take some responsibility for your own actions not pointed at you xp btw on my good cars I check the oil everyday I use them

kazbanz, Nov 27, 1:14pm
Mate I agree with you 100% on that front -
I feel the latest generation of engines are LESS tolerant of lack of oil changes.--I don't mean stretching the 10k service to 15k lack of any kind of serviceing. Definitely IMO more noticeable in the new VVTi engines with tighter tolerances .

xpfairmont, Nov 27, 3:40pm
I had a car once that left oil on the drive. I checked the oil daily on that one. But I know my others are in tip top condition. Usually not even low when I change oil & filter, however I do this 3 time a year for my old cars. And I do check the oil and water etc before I leave for a big out of town trip. But I know for a fact that nobody else on my street ever opens their bonnets.