Recomplying a vehicle.

bjmh, Dec 4, 12:53pm
I have a customer who let his rego lapse.his fault.16 months,2002 Commodore ute,got it revinned etc and apart from that cost ,when he registered it for 12 months it cost $507.which included new plates.the only invoice is a small print out for $ details as to how NZTA get this magic $507 .anybody know what the breakdown is.just curious.

supernova2, Dec 4, 1:20pm
Checked the nzta site and it got me beat, probably the standard fee plus admin charges.I think a ute is commercial so thats a higher fee to start with.Suggest you give the place that issued the plates a ring and ask them for a breakdown of costs.

bjmh, Dec 4, 1:29pm
it was local vtnz that registered it,when asked for a breakdown of costs they couldn't supply.said its not them who sets the fee.

supernova2, Dec 4, 1:39pm
Utter bollocks.Sure they dont set the fee but they must know the breakdown.Ring the VTNZ manager and ask him to do his job - you know the thing he is paid to do!Other oprion is to ring LTNZ

phillip.weston, Dec 4, 5:11pm
Don't forget that REGISTRATION cost is not the same as the LICENCE cost. It will cost a ONE OFF registration cost which is higher but the subsequent annual LICENCE fee will be lower. He should have opted for the minimum 6 months registration and then put another 6 months on later on. The fee structure is stated on the LTNZ website.

supernova2, Dec 4, 6:19pm
Agreed but how do you get to $507!Nothing that I could see equalled that.

gmphil, Dec 4, 8:59pm
Cost me$ 322 for 6 months rego when revinned